Want to keep your cut flowers longer?
Fortunately, with this little secret, you will work miracles.
Add a few drops of vodka with a teaspoon of sugar to the water in the vase.
You will be able to admire your pretty bouquet for longer! Watch:
1. Put 3 or 4 drops of vodka in the flower water.
2. Add a teaspoon of sugar.
There you go, your cut flowers will last longer :-)
Practical, easy and effective!
You will be able to enjoy it much longer.
It's still prettier that way!
Your beautiful bouquet of flowers is not about to fade.
And it works for all cut flowers:roses of course, but also rustic bouquets, bridal bouquets, peonies, lily of the valley...
It is also a very practical trick to preserve a bouquet of flowers before offering it. And no need for water bubbles!