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Fuel Consumption:Check Your Tire Pressure, Especially in Winter!

Fuel Consumption:Check Your Tire Pressure, Especially in Winter!

Want to save gas and consume less?

It's true that gasoline is getting more and more expensive!

You don't want to increase your fuel consumption nor wear the tires too much of your car?

You're absolutely right, because there's an additional charge.

So, it is strongly advised to check the pressure tires regularly, especially in winter .

Why ? Because in winter, cold temperatures lower your tire pressure.

Fuel Consumption:Check Your Tire Pressure, Especially in Winter!

How to

1. Make an appointment with a mechanic to have the tire pressure checked.

2. You can also go directly to a gas station to use their equipment.

3. You can also get a pressure gauge to check the tire pressure yourself.

4. If your tires are underinflated, inflate them.

5. If your tires are too inflated, deflate them a little.


There you go, you have checked the tire pressure and your tires are now well inflated :-)

It is advisable to take a look at the pressure of your tires at least once a month and more in winter.

Another tip, check the pressure of your tires when cold and not after riding for 3 hours!

If it's winter and it snows, don't forget to mount your snow tires.

When to check tire pressure?

It is generally recommended to do this once a month.

Did you know that with normal use of your car, tire pressure decreases by 0.1 bar every month.

Also note that the tire pressure must be checked when cold .

That is to say, the tires must not be hot and the car must have been driven just before putting the pressure on.

Because the heat increases the pressure.

Savings achieved

Inflate its tires at pressure adequate is not a trick to be taken lightly if you want to save gas every time you use your car.

A 20% under-inflation causes an increase in fuel of 5% and the wear of the tires by more than 15%!

Which represents nearly 80 euros of fuel consumed more. Not to mention that you will have to buy tires more often...

Last thing, know that it is impossible to assess the pressure of your tires with the naked eye unless you've punctured a tire;-)

Therefore it is advisable to purchase a manometer.

Your turn...

You tried this trick to save gas ? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!