The dryer is one of the most power-hungry appliances .
On average, we spend several hundred euros a year just to dry his clothes.
In addition, the dryer damages the clothes. The proof, all those fabric fluff that you have to regularly remove from the filter.
Not to mention the fact that a clothes dryer greatly increases the level of dust in the house and is often the cause of fires.
The solution ? Use an indoor drying rack to dry your clothes for free and also extend the life of your clothes.
And thanks to these 5 tips, your clothes will be dry in just a few hours . Watch:
Drying clothes at night works well, but it's still much more effective during the day.
Why ? Because heat and light speed up the drying of your clothes.
To do this, start a machine as soon as you wake up (or the night before), and lay out your things just before leaving for work.
Coming home from work, your clothes will be almost all dry and ready to be put away.
Make sure there is space between your clothes when hanging out.
They must be laid well apart from each other.
Why ? This is super important so that the air circulates well and the clothes dry quickly.
If they touch, air cannot circulate between the garments. As a result, moisture gets trapped and your clothes don't dry out.
For heavier fabrics like jeans and towels, straddle two rack bars so the two sides don't touch.
For thinner ones, one bar is usually sufficient.
For delicate clothes and to avoid leaving bar marks on them, hang them on hangers like these that allow air to pass through.
It's good advice that my grandmother gave me a few years ago.
As anyway, the clothes will end up hanging on hangers, as much as they are already drying on them to save time.
Hang the hangers on the drying rack, on the edges of the dryer, or why not on a piece of furniture or a door.
Once dry, simply store the hangers in the closet. Easy, fast and convenient, right?
Yes, you don't even need to iron, because drying clothes on a hanger is often enough to prevent them from getting creased.
If you are a handyman, you can also make your own spaced hangers to let the air through by following this tutorial.
Place the dryer in the sunniest and most ventilated part of the house.
Hanging clothes in a damp basement does no good except increase drying time.
So if you have a laundry room in the basement or closed garage, avoid drying your laundry there.
Otherwise you risk having stinky laundry!
Better to place the dryer on the balcony or next to an open window.
If you don't have access to a balcony, place the drying rack in the airiest and largest room.
To speed up the drying of clothes in the apartment, nothing is more effective than turning them over as often as possible.
It's also the best way to prevent them from smelling musty from lack of air.
Especially for thicker garments like jeans or wool sweaters.
By the way, you can also put your clothes inside out while drying.
Why ? Because it exposes the other side to the air and allows the clothes to dry much faster.
And it keeps clothes from smelling bad!
It may seem like a trivial thing, but give it a try and you'll see that it saves a lot of drying time!
A drying rack is going to save you a bunch of money, making it one of the best investments.
It is an excellent economical alternative to the dryer.
But not all racks are created equal. Trust me, I've been using it for 10 years!
After having tested a bunch of drying racks, here is the one I use and that I recommend, because you can put a lot of laundry in it in a minimum of space:
Depending on the region where you live, or in winter, the drying time will be more or less long.
If you live in a rainy area, you may consider using a portable or electric dehumidifier indoors.
This device does not consume much electricity.
And at the same time it can help you get rid of dampness and mold in the house.
I advise you to put the dryer near the oven when it is running or near a heater.
The heat released will speed up drying.
Or even better near a radiator. Be careful not to put your clothes on it though!
Always hang up your well-drawn clothes, so they will dry properly and it will save you time on ironing.