A chic and rustic solid wood cutting board, anyone?
Astonished as much as frightened by the high cost (30 €) of the beautiful and big solid wood cutting board for sale near me...
I decided to try making one myself.
Here's how I did it.
A few basic and economical tips for making your own unique cutting board...
Not plastic!
First and foremost, the raw material:wood.
A nice plank or scrap piece of solid wood is needed.
To be obtained from a cabinetmaker, a carpenter who will saw it to the desired dimensions.
The dimensions are 40x15x2 cm as far as I'm concerned.
Or you can just go to Leroy Merlin or another DIY store.
Use cedar for example, or any other soft wood, rather easy to cut and sand.
You can also take olive wood for a high-end cutting board.
The choice is made according to the color and nature that you want.
- a sander (the ideal being a belt sander)
- 80 grit sandpaper, then 120 for finishing (approximate)
As always, borrow everything from a caring neighbor or rent one on Zilok.
- linseed oil to treat the wood and make it waterproof.
1. Sand, sand, and sand again. This can be laborious.
But it's what turns an insignificant wooden board into a lavish cutting board.
2. With 80 grit paper, round the sides and corners as much as possible. Then finish with a finer grain.
3. Then treat the wood with linseed oil.
And there you have it, you got a wonderful cutting board in DIY quality :-)
It can also be used as a tray to serve cheese and charcuterie :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
But the best part is that thanks to this tutorial, you have made your wooden board yourself.
And that you can be proud of!
You see, no need to go to Gifi or Action.
If you too are planning to start manufacturing, let me know in a comment. We can't wait to read you!