Today I explain how not to attract an insect from the most unpleasant:the food moth.
Have you heard of clothes moths? Well let me introduce you to their cousin.
Except that this time, it's no longer the fibers of your clothes that are attacked.
But indeed the dry foods you keep in your cupboards!
These insects, which look like moths, do indeed love this food.
Fortunately, I know the solutions so that these pests no longer invade your kitchen.
Discover 20 foods that attract food moths. Watch:
If you've never come across one, I'll tell you what a food moth looks like.
Good already it's ugly, super ugly even.
It is a species of grey/brown butterfly that is about 25mm long.
She is related to the clothes moth even though she does not like to eat the same thing.
The clothes moth (moth) invites itself into your dressing room while the food moth (pyrales) invades the kitchen cupboards.
The lifespan of food moths is only 2 weeks.
But that doesn't mean they aren't real invaders; on the contrary even.
Know that the female lays between 200 and 300 eggs at a time. That's a lot of people at birth, isn't it?!
These eggs turn into cocoons and then tiny white worms come out of there.
After 1 month of existence, the worm molts into a butterfly:it is the famous food moth.
It is especially in the summer that we begin to see these little critters appear.
Last thing.
These critters are quite disgusting, but they are not dangerous to humans or animals.
They do not sting or bite.
On the other hand, if the food mite manages to interfere in your food, it makes it unfit for consumption.
You have to throw everything away, because they are contaminated!
As a rule, food moths do not directly invade your home.
They come very often from food you buy in stores.
Food yes, but not just any food.
They love anything dry; let me explain.
Any package of flour, dough, cereals... can potentially contain cocoons.
And yes, the cocoons can stick to the package, but also be inside!
It also happens that food moths come to your home from the outside.
It must be said that their sense of smell is overdeveloped.
They smell their favorite food from afar and enter through windows or small spaces under doors, etc...
Now you know that food moths are attracted to and like to eat dry goods.
So when you're in store, check if the packages you buy are properly closed.
Pay particular attention to products that are purchased in bulk.
Moths can enter distribution silos more easily.
When you bring the groceries home, put the dry goods in plastic boxes.
When you have started a packet of pasta or other, never leave it open.
Keeping food airtight is the best way not to attract them.
And to be sure not to attract these critters, I show you which foods you absolutely must protect in your cupboards:
If moths are present in a food package, act immediately!
I remind you that these critters develop very quickly, so don't wait.
And most importantly, no need to use harmful chemicals, especially near food.
Instead, use this grandmother's remedy that works perfectly.
Once done, empty your infected cupboard and clean with white vinegar immediately well on the corners.
Finally, I remind you that infested food should be thrown in the trash!
I told you that food moths have a very keen sense of smell.
Well, know that we can turn this to our advantage! I'll explain.
Moths are attracted to dry food odors.
But at the same time, some smells also repel them.
Do you see where I'm coming from?
Take cloves, lemon, garlic cloves, nutmeg or bay leaves...
...And you can be sure you won't hear about it again.
It is enough to place these substances in cups or directly on the food packets in the cupboards.
You see, nothing complicated.