We all have products in our cupboards or our fridge that we don't suspect not the power.
Indeed, these are very simple products that we use daily.
But you will be surprised how much good these products mean to us.
They strengthen our health, improve our beauty and are good for morale:a real gold mine.
So here are the 20 best health foods you already have in your cupboards . Watch:
Benefits: aloe vera purifies the skin and the scalp. It acts against dandruff.
Antimicrobial , it protects the skin, hair and body from any unwanted bacterial attack and prevents any infection.
It also cleans the stomach and ffacilitates digestion .
Uses: just remove the gel from a fresh aloe leaf and mix it with a lemon juice.
Apply it on the face for 20 min and rinse.
For hair, apply aloe vera gel directly to scalp and hair for 2 hours then wash normally.
Put some gel in a glass of warm water and drink this potion in the morning to purify your stomach.
To discover: 40 Uses of Aloe Vera That Will Blow Your Mind!
Benefits: baking soda is a totally versatile ingredient.
It effectively cleanses the scalp, sanitizes and disinfects the skin , cleans pores and deodorizes .
Uses: to exfoliate the scalp and skin, simply make a paste of baking soda with water.
Then massage gently for a few minutes and rinse.
Do the same under the armpits as a deodorant.
To discover: 43 Amazing Uses of Baking Soda.
Benefits: turmeric is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory .
It relieves cold and cough symptoms, treats acne and a number of skin problems.
Its healing quality heals small wounds. It also relieves toothache and cures cavities.
Uses: drink turmeric milk or "golden milk" before sleeping.
This helps fight coughs and colds.
For acne and other skin problems, just make a paste of turmeric with milk.
Then apply it to the skin for 20 minutes, rinse it off.
To heal a wound, simply sprinkle pure turmeric powder on it.
And put on a bandage.
To cure cavities and relieve toothache, apply turmeric powder to the tooth and gum all night long.
To discover: The 3 Therapeutic Virtues of Turmeric on Your Health.
Benefits :garlic is antibiotic, antiviral and anti-bacterial .
It thus treats coughs and colds effectively.
It also soothes and cures thrush in the mouth.
It also cures toothache, thanks to its analgesic properties.
Uses: garlic infusion can relieve coughs and cure a cold.
To do this, boil garlic cloves in water for 5 minutes. And drink hot.
Apply garlic oil to thrush in the mouth before bedtime or to sore teeth for toothache relief.
To discover: The Health Benefits of Garlic, an Unsung Natural Remedy.
Benefits: ginger is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory , it relieves coughs and colds.
It is also an excellent remedy for digestive problems and constipation.
Because it prevents the development of bacteria in the stomach.
Uses: add small pieces of minced ginger to your dishes to strengthen your immune system.
Add it to your tea to treat colds and coughs.
You can also boil pieces of ginger in water.
All you have to do is consume the hot infusion to relieve stomach problems.
To discover: The 10 Benefits Of Ginger You Absolutely Need To Know.
Benefits: honey is great for treating a number of skin issues.
For example:psoriasis, acne, dry skin, minor wounds, burns or cuts.
Indeed, it is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory .
It moisturizes the skin to treat skin dryness. It is also perfect for moisturizing hair and scalp.
Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe cold and cough symptoms.
Uses: to use honey for skin problems, apply it locally and rinse after 10 min.
You can also put 1 tablespoon of honey in 250 ml of water.
Then you use it as a final rinse to fight dandruff and add shine to your hair.
Mix honey with a little ginger.
And take this mixture several times a day to ease the symptoms of colds and coughs.
To discover: The 10 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Honey.
Benefits: lemons are sour in nature and are suitable for the pH of skin, hair and body.
They are antimicrobial and treat a number of ailments.
Uses: put lemon juice in warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
You can also use lemon water to wash your face and have healthy skin.
Also rinse your hair with it to make it shiny and prevent dandruff.
To discover: 43 Lemon Uses That Will Blow Your Mind!
Benefits: coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer thanks to its essential fatty acids that retain moisture and nourish the skin.
Antimicrobial , it keeps the skin healthy and perfectly clean.
In addition, it makes the hair thicker and prevents the appearance of dandruff.
Uses: use coconut oil in massage for the face.
Your skin will be soft, healthy and well hydrated.
Also use this oil to massage your scalp and hair, leave on overnight.
Then rinse.
To discover: 50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.
Benefits: onions promote blood circulation to the scalp.
They also stimulate the production of collagen necessary for the growth of new hair.
Anti-inflammatory, it fights the symptoms of colds and coughs.
Uses: mix some onion juice with honey.
Then massage your scalp to promote hair growth.
Leave on for 1 hour and wash as usual.
To make a cold syrup, cut an onion into slices.
And put it in a jar.
Finally, add honey to it so that the onion slices are completely covered.
Leave the mixture in the dark for 1 week.
Then drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day of this cough and cold syrup until cured.
To bring down the fever, take an onion.
And cut it into flat slices so you can easily apply them to the bottoms of your feet.
Put a pair of socks over them to keep them in place overnight.
When you wake up, take off your socks and throw away the onions.
To discover: Health Benefits of Onions.
Benefits: the fluoride in tea isgood for bones and oral health.
It cures digestive disorders and also prevents nausea. Do you have white hair?
Black tea stimulates hair follicles and reduces white hair over time.
Uses: black tea can be used as a mouthwash to improve oral health.
Drink it regularly to aid digestion and strengthen bones.
If you have gray hair, use an infusion of black tea as a final rinse.
It is a natural dye that gradually darkens white hair.
To discover: 10 Health Benefits of Black Tea Nobody Knows.
Benefits: just like lemons, apple cider vinegar is acidic.
It can be used to sanitize the skin , hair and maintain the scalp in good health.
It is also a good fat burner.
Uses: drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water every morning to limit weight gain.
Apply pure apple cider vinegar to the skin as a toner using a cotton ball. Your skin will be healthy and radiant.
Rinse your hair with it too to fight dandruff and balance the pH of the scalp.
To discover: 11 Incredible Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.
Benefits: yogurt contains probiotics that keep your metabolism healthy.
The lactic acid in yogurt helps fight dandruff and keep your skin healthy and soft.
Uses: apply the yogurt directly to your face as a face mask or to your scalp and hair as a hair mask.
Consume it regularly to keep your metabolism in good shape.
To discover: Make Your Own Yogurts At Home:Easy and Fast.
Benefits: mint treats symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome , such as stomach cramps or bloating.
Mint also relieves headaches , migraines and headaches related to stress or tension.
Mint also heals acne faster and prevents it from coming back.
Uses: drink mint tea to relieve migraine symptoms and headaches.
To prepare it, put 1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water.
Cover and leave to infuse for 10 mins. Pass the mixture and drink.
To treat acne, apply a paste of mint leaves on the face and wash off after 15 min.
Do this until the acne is completely dry.
To discover: The 5 Benefits of Peppermint You Need to Know.
Benefits: fenugreek or senegrain is very beneficial against diabetes .
It improves glucose tolerance and lowers blood sugar levels.
Fenugreek stimulates milk production for nursing mothers.
Fenugreek seeds and leaves reduce acne and refine skin texture.
Uses: if you are a diabetic or a nursing mother, soak 1-2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight.
The next day, drink this water and chew the seeds on an empty stomach. Do this daily.
To fight acne and scars, soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and make a paste.
In the morning, apply the paste to the face for 20 minutes and rinse.
Benefits: cumin is a well-known ingredient in ayurveda.
It acts againstdigestive problems , stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea and morning sickness.
Cumin prevents and treats bloating. It also stimulates lactation.
Uses: the infusion of cumin is extremely beneficial for digestive problems.
To do this, add 2 teaspoons of cumin powder to 1 cup of water and simmer for 5 minutes.
Filter and let cool then drink.
To stimulate lactation, put 1 teaspoon of cumin in a glass of warm milk and consume.
Benefits: cinnamon is excellent for stimulating weight loss , because it is a fat burner.
It also cures colds and coughs. People with diabetes can take cinnamon because it lowers blood sugar.
Uses: boil cinnamon in water, strain and drink daily to lose weight.
If you have a cold or a cough, mix warm honey with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon.
And drink this 2 times a day, after breakfast and before bedtime.
To reduce blood sugar in type 2 diabetics, regularly consume half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
Benefits: oats do not contain gluten, it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
Oats are also rich in antioxidants and fibers . In addition, it purifies the skin and hydrates it.
Uses: take oatmeal every morning to boost your metabolism and control your weight.
Due to its richness in antioxidants and moisturizing properties, apply oatmeal paste on your face.
Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.
Your skin will be firmer, clearer and softer.
To discover: The 9 Benefits of Oats You Should Know.
Benefits: olive oil reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure .
It also fights inflammation and facilitates weight loss.
It also has moisturizing properties for skin and hair.
Uses: put a little olive oil in your food every day.
Use it for baking, salad dressings and to cook anything you want.
Use it also in massage for the face and the scalp.
The skin will be clear and soft, and the hair strong and healthy.
To discover: 7 Health Benefits of Olive Oil You Should Know.
Benefits: fennel seeds have the power to detoxify the body .
It is also an excellent remedy for bloating and menstrual pain.
And it works very well against bad breath.
Uses: prepare a fennel infusion by putting the fennel seeds in hot water.
This relieves bloating and menstrual pain.
Chew fennel seeds to freshen breath.
Benefits: buttermilk soothes the stomach and fights acidity . It also improves skin tone and heals acne.
Uses: add mint paste in buttermilk. And consume this after eating a spicy dish or when you feel that you are not going to digest well.
You can apply buttermilk on your face with a cotton ball.
And leave on overnight to treat acne or problem skin.