Has your homemade laundry detergent become too strong and thick?
Worse, it freezes downright and you can no longer pour it into the machine?
We agree that it is not very practical!
But why does my homemade laundry solidify all the time?
Know that this often comes from its composition.
Luckily, there are grandma's tricks to liquefy it in seconds (and keep it nice and liquid).
Here are my 9 easy tips to make homemade laundry more liquid . Watch:
Only one culprit, soap shavings. Especially Marseille soap.
When you prepare your laundry, you incorporate flakes of solid soap to melt.
You suspect the problem, once cooled, they return to their solid form.
This is why the detergent becomes viscous, even turns into a block.
Yet we cannot do without this ingredient.
So how do I do it?
The easiest and most convenient method is to shake the bottle just before using the detergent.
This breaks up the blocks that have formed and makes it easier to dose the detergent when pouring it.
It would still be a shame to take out the knife to cut a block of detergent, wouldn't it?
The other trick is to add a little more water when designing laundry.
Thus, the soap flakes have less opportunity to solidify.
The detergent remains liquid enough to be poured into the machine.
Here's my favorite tip.
The one I've been using for 2 years now.
To overcome the problem of soap flakes that solidify...
...I prepare my liquid Marseille soap-based detergent .
And since I've been doing this, no more problems.
And I don't even need to shake my bottle before use.
When selecting your ingredients, choose the most natural Marseille soap possible.
Especially if you take a flake soap.
Also check that it does not contain too much glycerin , this is one of the causes of the solidification of the detergent.
When you have found the right detergent recipe, do not hesitate to adapt the dosage according to your needs.
For example, if you never have very dirty laundry, is it useful to put the full dose of Marseille soap?
Do you want my opinion ? I prepared 2 different bottles of detergent.
One with the more diluted detergent that does not congeal for lightly soiled laundry.
This is the one I use most often.
And the other with a more concentrated detergent intended for really dirty and stained laundry.
If you have a blender or an appliance like the Thermomix, run your laundry through it.
Mix it for at least 5 minutes so as to "break" the soap flakes.
Like that, finished the laundry that turns into a sticky block.
Another grandmother's trick to neutralize the solidification of Marseille soap.
It is about put the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of salt for 500 ml of prepared laundry.
At least, with homemade powder detergent, no more problems with detergent that sticks and becomes rigid.
For my part, I love this recipe for washing powder.
Why ? Because it is really easy to do and very effective.
It is ideal for white, sheets or towels .
Nevertheless, be careful. It should only be used at a temperature equal to or greater than 40°C. Why?
Quite simply so that the Marseille soap can melt and drain away without clogging the pipes.
Already, for a practical aspect.
But in addition to avoid clogging of the machine pipes .
Because what solidifies in your bottle does the same thing in the pipes.
Can you imagine the rest?
The machine can end up getting clogged, especially if you never do a hot cycle (at least 60°)