Keeping your toilets clean is not an easy task...
...especially when it comes to polishing the bottom of the bowl.
And obviously, if you're on duty, you use classic household products that are as harmful as they are expensive...
How else can you tell me?
Well, as strange as it may seem, many products that have nothing to do with cleaning will do you a favor.
Want to know which ones?
Discover 10 unusual (but effective) tips for perfectly cleaning your toilet. Watch:
Black stains on the bottom and on the toilet bowl are very common.
They form completely unbearable halos!
Well, know that Coca-Cola dissolves these unsightly traces perfectly.
First empty the water at the bottom of the bowl by moving back and forth with the brush.
Pour a full can all the way around the sides of the bowl.
Then leave on for at least 1 hour for the acid to dissolve the stains.
Finally, scrub the bottom of the bowl with your toilet brush.
Flush the toilet and the ugly stains disappear.
And if it's not totally perfect, go to tip N°2! Check out the trick here.
Another rather unusual possibility is to use a pumice stone!
With this utensil, we assure you that the halos at the bottom of the bowl do not last long.
Always start by soaking the pumice stone in hot water.
The stone and surface of the toilet should always be damp to avoid scratches.
Gently rub the stain until it disappears then flush the toilet to rinse.
Everything becomes polished again, even the most stubborn stains.
Most people use bleach to destroy germs and toilet stains.
It was without counting on the good old white vinegar, just as effective.
It gives the same results, with the advantage of being 100% natural .
It does not pollute our rivers, and does not attack our little family at home.
So to remove lime deposits, do this.
Soak toilet paper or Sopalin with white vinegar.
Then place it directly on the area to be treated.
Leave the paper impregnated with white vinegar to act overnight.
The next morning, you just have to flush the toilet to see the stains disappear. Check out the trick here.
Hydrogen peroxide is not only used to treat sores!
It is also a very effective non-toxic disinfectant.
It is ideal to deeply sanitize your toilets.
To do this, simply pour 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the bowl.
Leave on for 30 minutes then flush to rinse. Check out the trick here.
W.c. tablets give a fresh and fragrant smell to our toilets.
Except that it's not super cheap, nor very natural for that matter...
What if I told you that you could make your own!
Just combine your common household products with your favorite scented oil.
You do not believe me ? Discover here the recipe for making your 100% natural toilet tablets.
Baby oil is super effective for cleaning chrome.
Take a soft clean cloth then pour a few drops of baby oil on it.
Pass the cloth over the tank pusher to make it shine.
Get ready to be amazed by the result!
The chrome becomes sparkling without forcing.
It also works for everything that is chrome in the bathroom:faucets and shower head.
For the tank and the toilet bowl, it's the same recipe.
Apply a few more drops and buff until the porcelain shines.
A great tip to apply immediately after reading!
We all agree that after a while, toilet seat hinges rust...
Do you want to prevent this from happening?
Well, coat the screws and bolts with varnish to never have this problem again!
In addition, by doing this, the seat does not move any more, because the screws are better tightened. Check out the trick here.
Are your toilets clogged?
Before pouring hyper chemical products, like Destop, try this natural and effective trick.
Boil water in a large saucepan.
Gently pour boiling water directly into the toilet bowl.
This action dissolves the clog and your pipes are free! Check out the trick here.
Condensation can sometimes appear on the toilet tank if it is too cold.
Excessive humidity is then released, giving way to mold and bad odors.
To prevent the tank from seeping water, place a layer of bubble wrap inside.
First close the toilet water tap and then remove the tank cover.
Flush the toilet and wait for the water to flow from the tank.
Once the water has drained, line the inside of the tank with a layer of bubble wrap.
This extra layer of insulation prevents the outside of the tank from getting too cold.
There is a simple method to save toilet water.
Even if you don't have a dual flush!
In an empty 1 liter plastic bottle, pour a little sand at the bottom.
Then fill the rest of the bottle with water.
Screw the cap and place the bottle in the tank, without touching the operating mechanisms.
And that's it.
You have just implemented the trick that will save you hundreds of liters of water with each use. Check out the trick here.