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My Chestnut Dishwashing Liquid:100% Free &Super Degreaser!

My Chestnut Dishwashing Liquid:100% Free &Super Degreaser!

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the products ultra chemical to wash my dishes.

I decided to banish them from my kitchen and go all natural!

However, the homemade recipes that I have found can quickly get expensive because of all the ingredients to put in...

Fortunately, I found a 100% free and super degreasing recipe to do my dishes:horse chestnuts.

Just infuse chestnuts in boiling water to get a super degreasing and free dishwashing liquid . Here is my recipe:

My Chestnut Dishwashing Liquid:100% Free &Super Degreaser!

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 10 chestnuts

- 2 liters of boiling water

- hammer or mixer

- fabric bag

- glass jar

- bottle

- strainer

How to

1. Wash the chestnuts and dry them.

2. Put the chestnuts in the cloth bag.

3. Grind them into powder by tapping on them with the hammer or using the blender.

4. Put the powder in the jar.

5. Pour boiling water over it.

6. Leave to stand for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.

7. Strain the mixture with a strainer to separate the liquid from the pieces.

8. Pour the liquid into the bottle.


My Chestnut Dishwashing Liquid:100% Free &Super Degreaser!

And There you go ! Your natural chestnut liquid dishwashing liquid is already ready :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Pour a little chestnut product on a sponge and do your dishes normally.

You will be amazed with the results:it cleans, degreases and stains.

No more chemicals that cost an arm. This one is completely natural and free!

In addition to cleaning dishes, this product cleans all surfaces such as earthenware, sanitary ware and floors.

This liquid can be kept for several weeks, so you can prepare large quantities.

Why does it work?

Chestnuts naturally contain saponins which wash and degrease all surfaces.

They are activated by boiling water and diffuse into the liquid during the infusion phase.

My Chestnut Dishwashing Liquid:100% Free &Super Degreaser!