Is your mop all dirty?
It's normal by dint of using it, there's a lot of dirt that gets stuck in it!
And what's the point of mopping the floor with a filthy mop? Not much!
Luckily, my friend who does housework told me her effective trick to wash a mop easily and effortlessly.
The trick is to clean the mop in a mixture of water and baking soda . Watch:
1. Fill a bucket with hot water.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
3. Immerse the mop in this mixture.
4. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours.
5. Rinse the mop well with clear water.
6. Allow the mop to air dry.
There you go, your mop is now perfectly clean without making any effort :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Just wait for the baking soda to do its job! It couldn't be more economical.
With this 100% natural trick, your mop is like new again.
No more dirt, dust and encrusted cat or dog hair!
It's still better to have a clean mop to wash your floor.
And this trick works just as well for washing Veleda mops, microfiber mops as it does for regular mops and fringe mops.
You can even wash flat mop cloths this way.
Remember to mop the floor at least once a week at home!
If your broom, sponge or dustpan are also dirty, you can clean them the same way.
A bath in a bucket of hot water mixed with 2 tablespoons for 2 hours, and presto everything is nickel chrome!
The abrasive effect of the bicarbonate and the effervescence created by the contact between water are at the origin of the effectiveness of this cleaner.
The two actions combined make it possible to pick up the impurities encrusted in the mop.
Dirt dislodges from the mop and settles at the bottom of the bucket.
In addition, the baking soda will also disinfect and deodorize the mop. You don't even need to use toxic bleach!