Want to have a super clean house?
And you hesitate between using bleach and white vinegar?
However, there is no possible doubt to have!
At comment-economiser.fr, we advise you to always use white vinegar.
Why ? Because it is effective, powerful, cheap and safe for your health and that of your family.
As for bleach, it is toxic both in terms of health and the environment. Explanations:
All you have to do is read a label on a can of bleach to understand that its use is dangerous. Bleach is a toxic and corrosive product.
The proof:a quarter of poisonings result from the use of cleaning products. And bleach is responsible for 40% of these accidents, on its own.
Bleach is toxic to skin and eyes. It causes headaches and nausea.
According to Dr Thuong Nhân Pham Thi, pulmonologist and allergist, interviewed in La Quotidienne de France 5:
"Bleach is a kind of pure acid, it is a bactericide, and therefore potentially it can harm our skin, our respiratory tract from the nose to the bronchi as well as the eyes."
Also remember that bleach should not be mixed with other household products.
Indeed, the mixture could be very dangerous and produce toxic gases and sometimes even explosions.
Therefore, NEVER mix bleach with ammonia.
It should not be mixed either with white vinegar , as toxic fumes would be released.
You should also know that bleach kills bacteria in the short term. But it also promotes the development of resistant bacteria over the long term.
It's a bit like with antibiotics.
Besides, it is not necessary to kill all bacteria at home. Some of them are indeed essential to maintain the environmental balance.
In addition, bleach disinfects, but it does not clean, because it does not contain surfactants.
Be aware that the use of bleach is only essential in certain very specific cases.
For example, in the event of contamination by certain forms of hepatitis or salmonellosis, bleach is useful for disinfecting everything in the house and killing germs.
For cleaning, it can also be used for certain specific tasks.
Indeed, it is useful for eliminating mold on the joints of the shower which are difficult to remove otherwise.
Same for removing mold from the washing machine drum, walls, or fabric.
Finally, bleach is effective in whitening a yellowed pillow.
In all other cases, disinfection with white vinegar is always preferable.
Why ? Because it is a natural product, with effective vegetable surfactants.
With its pH between 2 and 3, white vinegar is a very powerful multi-purpose cleaning product.
Thanks to its acidity, it is both disinfectant, deodorant, anti-limescale, fabric softener, stain remover, cleaner and even weed killer.
It is a formidable antibacterial:undoubtedly the best natural disinfectant!
Don't worry, it's very easy to use white vinegar to clean the house.
And it's the only cleaning product you really need for cleaning.
For example, it is enough to clean your floors with water and vinegar so that they are perfectly clean.
Thus, your tiles, linos and floor coverings will not discolor and will be healthy.
To make your life easier, we have selected for you the best uses of white vinegar. Watch:
White Vinegar Is A POWERFUL Cleanser. Here Are 13 Ways To Use It For A NICKEL Home.
20 Secret Uses of White Vinegar For a NICKEL HOME.
3 Top Secret Tips For Cleaning With White Vinegar.
Be careful, you should never mix bleach and white vinegar.
These two products together produce toxic gases dangerous to health.