Vinegar is truly the most magical product I know of.
And this is true for both white vinegar and cider vinegar.
It's simple, you can do almost anything with it. In addition, it is not harmful and super economical.
So much so that I always have several bottles of white vinegar and cider at home!
In the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, office or for health and beauty, it is my daily ally.
To make your life easier, I have listed the best uses for this amazing product.
Here are 160 Magical Uses of White Vinegar and Apple Cider Throughout the Home . Watch:
1. Grow beautiful azaleas. Water acid-loving plants such as azaleas or hydrangeas from time to time with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in 250 ml of water.
2. Weed the garden and walkways. Pour pure white vinegar directly on the weeds to eliminate them. Check out the trick here.
3. Kill weeds. Spray pure white vinegar on the base of the weeds until the plants dry out completely.
4. Increase soil acidity. In calcareous areas, add 250 ml of white vinegar to 6 liters of water to water plants such as rhododendrons, gardenias, hydrangeas or azaleas. The vinegar releases iron into the soil which the plants will absorb.
5. Increase the life of cut flowers. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar for each liter of water.
6. Extend the life of flowers in vase. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 3 tablespoons of sugar per liter of hot water. Stems should be in 7-10cm of water. Check out the trick here.
7. Neutralize garden lime. Rinse your hands generously with white vinegar after touching lime. You will avoid burns and reactions on the skin.
8. Clean the pots before repotting. Rinse the jars with white vinegar to remove excess lime or limescale. Check out the trick here.
9. Prevent melons and pumpkins from getting moldy. Spray melons and pumpkins with white vinegar to prevent mold from growing on fruit skins.
10. Clean the blades of your lawnmower. Spray blades with white vinegar and scrub.
11. Clean the aquarium. Remove limescale from the walls of the aquarium by rubbing it with a cloth soaked in white vinegar. Then rinse thoroughly.
12. Remove urine stains from carpets. First blot the stain with a cloth. Then, rinse the stain several times with lukewarm water. Next, mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water in a spray bottle. Then, spray on the stain, rinse and let dry. Check out the trick here.
13. Clean up vomit. First remove any pieces. Then, in a bowl, mix 2 cups of hot water and a tablespoon of salt. Once the salt has dissolved, add 125 ml of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and 2 tablespoons of 70° alcohol. Take a sponge soaked in this mixture and pass it over the vomit stain. Make sure the entire stain is thoroughly soaked all over. With an old towel, pat the area dry. And sprinkle with baking soda to remove remaining odors.
14. Keep ants away. Spray white vinegar around door and window frames, and anywhere ants tend to go. Check out the trick here.
15. Fight dog odors in the house. Wash his carpet or cushion with pure white vinegar to remove the dog's characteristic smell.
16. Keep cats away . Spray white vinegar on the areas you want to keep them away from. Thus, they will not sleep, or scratch their claws there. Check out the trick here.
17. Clean the dog's or cat's ears . Clean the inside of the dog's or cat's ears with a cotton ball dipped in cider vinegar diluted in water. Check out the trick here.
18. Keep fleas and scabies away. Add some apple cider vinegar to your pet's water bowl. Check out the trick here.
19. Keep the hens away from each other. Hens have a habit of pecking each other and sometimes hurting each other. To keep them away, just add cider vinegar to their water bowl.
20. Clean cow milking equipment. Rinse all equipment with white vinegar to sanitize, remove odors and kill bacteria. This is ideal, because you are not using harmful products.
21. Clean up bird poop. Simply spray white vinegar on the soiled area, then wipe with a sponge or cloth. This will also disinfect the stain.
22. Keep midges away. Put a bowl with apple cider vinegar in your kitchen near the food. At the end of the day, you will have a bowl full of midges. Check out the trick here.
23. Polish the chrome of the car. Simply apply pure white vinegar to the chrome to make it shine. Check out the trick here.
24. Clean rust from tools. Soak the rusted tool, bolt or screw in undiluted white vinegar overnight. Check out the trick here.
25. Avoid the formation of frost on the windshield. Spray a solution of 3 parts white vinegar and one part water on your windows without rinsing. Check out the trick here.
26. Clean the wipers. Clean them with pure white vinegar so that they do not leave traces when you use them. Check out the trick here.
27. Calm your appetite. Put some apple cider vinegar on your prepared food to quell your appetite.
28. Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting. Dab the irritated area with white vinegar to relieve itching. Check out the trick here.
29. Relieve mosquito bites. Dab the itchy area with a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar. Ideal against mosquito or insect bites.
30. Relieve sunburn. Gently scrub the area with white vinegar. Do not hesitate to repeat this treatment as many times as necessary. Check out the trick here.
31. Detangle hair. Take a cup of apple cider vinegar and mix it in hot water in an old shampoo bottle. Rinse with this mixture after shampooing. Apple cider vinegar strengthens the highlights of brown hair, restores the ph of the scalp and removes the greasy film of soap as well as excess sebum.
32. Pass the hiccups. Take 1 full tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and swallow it when you have hiccups. It stops him instantly. Check out the trick here.
33. Treat dry skin. If you have dry, itchy skin, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath water.
34. Fight against dandruff. After shampooing, rinse with cider vinegar mixed in 500ml of hot water. Check out the trick here.
35. Soothe a sore throat. Put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow. Check out the trick here.
36. Cure a cold. Mix 50 ml of cider vinegar in 100 g of honey. Take a tablespoon of the mixture 6-8 times a day.
37. Treat sinusitis and taken bronchi. Add 75 ml of vinegar in your air humidifier or in fumigation. Put the apple cider vinegar in a bowl mixed with hot water and breathe in the vapors that emerge. Check out the trick here.
38. Feel full faster. Put 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, add a little honey for flavor. Drink before eating to curb your appetite and avoid overeating. In addition, it is excellent for health.
39. Remove fruit stains from hands. Simply rub them with white vinegar. It also works for sludge stains.
40. Remove warts. Apply a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and glycerin to the wart. Repeat the treatment every day until the wart disappears. Check out the trick here.
41. Relieve arthritis. Before each meal, drink a glass of water containing 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Wait at least 3 weeks to see the first results.
42. Remove corns. Make a poultice with a piece of bread soaked in 100 ml of vinegar. Let the poultice soak for half an hour, then apply it to the corn, sticking it with a bandage so that it holds all night. Repeat the treatment on several consecutive nights if it does not fall off the first time.
43. Stop diarrhea. Drink a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar to cure your small intestine problems.
44. Prevent vaginal yeast infections. To adjust the pH of the skin and in particular of the mucous membranes, add a little cider vinegar to your bath water.
45. Clean dentures. Soak them overnight in vinegar, then remove the tartar with a toothbrush. Check out the trick here.
46. Relieve cough. Mix 100 ml of cider vinegar in 100 ml of water and add 1 teaspoon of pepper and 4 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture as soon as you cough and another tablespoon at bedtime.
47. Clean the hair straightener. To remove hairspray or styling spray residue from your straightener, use a clean cloth dampened with white vinegar to clean the plates.
48. Clean brushes or combs. Let them soak for 2 hours in 5 l of water and 250 ml of white vinegar. Check out the trick here.
49. Whiten and descale teeth. Dip your toothbrush in the white vinegar and brush your teeth, rinsing well afterwards. Do this once a week. Check out the trick here.
50. Get rid of pimples. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 10 parts water. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and dab onto a freshly cleansed face to remove blemishes.
51. Soften the cuticles of your nails. Soak your fingers in vinegar for 5 minutes to soften your cuticles quickly. Check out the trick here.
52. Strengthen your nails. Soak them in white vinegar for a few minutes.
53. Dry a cold sore. Dab it with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. Check out the trick here.
54. Prevent a cut from becoming infected. Spray white vinegar on the cuts to prevent the cut from becoming infected. And yes, vinegar is also a very good disinfectant. Check out the trick here.
55. Disinfect everything. Disinfect your scissors, tweezers, splint by soaking them in white vinegar for a few minutes.
56. Dilute the lye. Use white vinegar in laundry to dilute it and save money. Don't worry, it washes just as well but it's more economical.
57. Get rid of pilling. Add 150 ml of vinegar during the rinse cycle.
58. Prevent lint from forming on clothing. Add 250 ml of white vinegar to the washing machine every time you do laundry.
59. Prevent clothes from bleeding. Soak clothes in pure white vinegar for 10 minutes before washing. Check out the trick here.
60. Clean the washing machine. Clean the pipes by removing soap residue. Once a month, pour 250 ml of white vinegar into the washing machine and run a normal cycle, without clothes. Check out the trick here.
61. Revive the colors of clothes. Add 125 ml of vinegar during the rinse cycle of the washing machine.
62. Detach a suede jacket. To remove a grease stain from suede, dip a toothbrush in white vinegar and gently scrub the grease stain.
63. Remove stubborn stains. To remove fruit, jam, mustard, coffee or tea stains, gently rub a cloth soaked in white vinegar. Then wash as usual.
64. Remove smoke smell. To remove the smell of smoke from clothes, put 250 ml of white vinegar in a tub of hot water. Then hang the clothes over the steamer to deodorize them. Check out the trick here.
65. Remove sweat stains. Apply a mixture of one part white vinegar and four parts water to the stained garment. Then rinse. You can also add lemon. Check out the trick here.
66. Get rid of deodorant stains on clothes. White deodorant stains can be removed by rubbing them lightly with white vinegar. Then machine wash as usual.
67. Wash the blankets. Cotton or wool blankets that are fluffy and smelly look like new again with 500ml of white vinegar added to the rinse cycle.
68. Rinse clothes better. Add 250 ml of white vinegar to the last rinse water. Vinegar does not damage fabrics, but dissolves the remains of soaps and detergents.
69. Fix clothing colors. When dyeing a fabric, add 250 ml of white vinegar in the last rinse to fix the colour. Check out the trick here.
70. Improve the appearance of nylon. Nylon will look great and last longer if you add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar to the rinse water when washing.
71. Mark a fold on a sweater. The folds will be clearer on your knitwear, by moistening them with a cloth soaked in 1/3 of white vinegar and 2/3 of water. Place a brown paper bag between the sweater and the iron to mark the crease without burning it.
72. Remove excess detergent. If you wash clothes by hand, there may be detergent residues in places in the garment. To eliminate them, put white vinegar during the second rinse. Then rinse again with clear water.
73. Deodorize a wool sweater. Wash the sweater, then rinse it with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water to remove odors.
74. Hide holes on a seam. When a seam is removed or a hem torn, there are often unsightly holes that appear in the fabric. These holes can be removed by placing a cloth soaked in white vinegar under the fabric and ironing it. This tightens the fibers of the fabric.
75. Descale the steam iron. Pour as much water as vinegar into the water tank of the iron. Put it on the "steam" position and leave the iron upright for 5 min. Then unplug and let cool. All the lime residue will come out when you empty the water. Check out the trick here.
76. Clean the soleplate of the iron. Put as much white vinegar and salt in a saucepan and heat. Then rub the soleplate of the iron with the cooled solution to remove any spots or burned areas. Check out the trick here.
77. Deodorize shoes. Spray the inside of the shoes with white vinegar then put them in a bag to freeze them overnight. Check out the trick here.
78. Remove static electricity from clothing. Put 150 ml of white vinegar to reduce the static electricity of your clothes.
79. Remove tea or coffee stains from porcelain. Mix salt and white vinegar to remove coffee and tea stains from porcelain. Check out the trick here.
80. Descale the taps. Put some white vinegar on a cloth and lay it around the limescaled faucet overnight. It will descale the faucet effortlessly. Check out the trick here.
81. Descale coffee makers. White vinegar dissolves lime deposits that accumulate in automatic coffee makers. Fill the reservoir with vinegar and run it through the system like making coffee. Rinse thoroughly with water when cycle is complete. Check out the trick here.
82. Make brass, copper and pewter shine. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of white vinegar. Use this mixture to clean and shine these metals effortlessly.
83. Clean the dishwasher. Put 250 ml of white vinegar during a wash cycle once a month to clean the mechanisms of detergent residues, descale and shine the glassware. Check out the trick here.
84. Deodorize the pipes. Pour 250 ml of white vinegar down the pipes once a week. Leave on for 30 minutes then rinse with cold water. Check out the trick here.
85. Unclog the pipes. Pour a handful of baking soda down the pipe and add 250 ml of white vinegar and possibly a drop of essential oil. Rinse with very hot water. Check out the trick here.
86. Eliminate onion smell on hands. Rub your fingers with white vinegar right after peeling the onion.
87. Clean and sanitize a wooden cutting board. Simply wipe the board with pure vinegar. Check out the trick here.
88. Degrease and deodorize dishes. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to dishwater.
89. Clean a teapot. Boil a mixture of water and white vinegar and pour it into the teapot. Then, remove the black marks left by the tea.
90. Deodorize the garbage disposal. Eliminate waste odors in the garbage disposal by adding ice cubes of white vinegar. After grinding, run cold water.
91. Clean and deodorize jars. Rinse the jar to remove the remains. Then, soak them for 1 hour in white vinegar to remove odors.
92. Get rid of cooking smells. Put white vinegar in a pot of water and let it simmer on the stove to remove odors.
93. Clean tupperware. Deodorize your Tupperware boxes by dipping a piece of bread in white vinegar. Then put it in the box overnight to remove odors.
94. Clean the refrigerator. Wash with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water all the shelves of the fridge. This disinfects and deodorizes at the same time. Check out the trick here.
95. Clean stainless steel. Pass a cloth soaked in white vinegar on the stainless steel to clean it easily. Check out the trick here.
96. Clean fine china and glassware. Add a cup of white vinegar to your sink filled with hot water. Gently dip the glass or porcelain into the solution and allow to dry.
97. Clean a pan. Remove stains from pans by filling them with a solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1.5 liters of water. Boil until the stain comes off and can be washed away.
98. Clean food residue from pots and pans. Fill the pan with white vinegar and let sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm soapy water.
99. Clean the microwave. In a bowl, put 100 ml of white vinegar and 200 ml of water. Put the bowl in the microwave. Heat on full power. Any stuck-on residue will come off easily. Cleaning is easy and in addition it deodorizes. Check out the trick here.
100. Remove traces of limescale from glasses. Place a 250ml cup of white vinegar in the bottom rack of your dishwasher and run a normal cycle. Check out the trick here.
101. Detach aluminum utensils. Minerals in food and water often leave a dark stain on aluminum utensils. This stain is easily removed by soaking the utensil in a solution of 1 tablespoon of pure white vinegar mixed with 250 ml of water and boiling it.
102. Clean glass bottles. Over time, a dull haze appears in glass bottles that is difficult to get rid of. To do this, pour white vinegar into the bottle and shake it. For more stubborn stains, add a few tablespoons of rice or sand and shake vigorously. Rinse thoroughly and repeat until clean. Check out the trick here.
103. Clean and deodorize the bread box. Simply wipe it with a cloth soaked in pure white vinegar.
104. Remove fruit stains from hands. Rub your hands with a little white vinegar and wipe them to remove fruit stains, especially red fruits which are difficult to remove.
105. Degrease the oven. Fat accumulates quickly in an oven. It can be cleaned very easily by removing it with a sponge soaked in white vinegar and water. Check out the trick here.
106. Make the formica shine. Formica worktops and countertops will shine if cleaned with white vinegar.
107. Make the linoleum shine. If your lino is not waxed, clean it with a solution of 100 ml of white vinegar for 5 liters of water. Check out the trick here.
108. Clean kitchen utensils. Stains on glass, aluminum or porcelain will come off easily by boiling them in a solution of one part white vinegar to eight parts water. Then wash in warm soapy water and rinse.
109. Wash a stainless steel pan. If you have a stainless steel pan with burnt residue, try this:boil 250 ml of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 250 ml of water. Take a scouring pad and scrub to remove the stains. Check out the trick here.
110. Make the rice more fluffy. For this, add a teaspoon of white vinegar to the water when it boils.
111. Make wine vinegar. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 1 teaspoon of dry red wine in a bottle. Close the neck with gauze and leave for 1 good month for the mother to form.
112. Substitute lemon. If you don't have a lemon on hand, the juice of one lemon can be replaced with 1/4 teaspoon of white vinegar.
113. Wash fresh vegetables. To get rid of the little bugs in freshly picked garden vegetables, soak them in water with white vinegar and salt. Check out the trick here.
114. Scale the fish. Scale a fish is not always easy. But by rubbing it with white vinegar for 5 minutes, it will be much easier to remove its scales.
115. Refresh the vegetables. Soak the slightly withered vegetables in 500 ml of water and a tablespoon of vinegar. This will give them a boost and refresh them. Check out the trick here.
116. Cook the soft-boiled eggs without breaking them. Boil water by adding 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to the pan. Then put the eggs as usual. You will have good soft-boiled eggs that won't crack! Check out the trick here.
117. Tenderize the meat. Marinating meat in vinegar kills bacteria and tenderizes it. Use 100 ml of white vinegar for a roast of around 1 kg and leave to marinate overnight, seasoning to taste. Then cook without draining or rinsing the meat.
118. Prepare a vinaigrette. Mix 250 ml of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of garlic powder, 1/2 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of oil.
119. Disinfect bathroom accessories. Mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water in a spray bottle. Spray on accessories and even the bathroom floor, then wipe away.
120. Clean the sink, bathtub and toilet. Sprinkle baking soda around your faucets, bathtubs and toilets and pour a little white vinegar over them. Leave to react and then rinse with a sponge.
121. Remove soap scum from chrome and plastic. Simply clean them with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.
122. Remove mold, grime and soap scum from tile. To clean the earthenware and even the shower curtain, simply wipe with a sponge soaked in white vinegar then rinse with water. Check out the trick here.
123. Clean the toilets Spray white vinegar on stubborn stains then brush vigorously. You can also put 750 ml of white vinegar in the bowl to deodorize it. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse. You can add baking soda for an extra boost in loosening stubborn stains. Check out the trick here.
124. Descale the shower head. Unscrew it, remove the rubber seal and place it in a container filled with equal parts vinegar and water. You can heat the white vinegar for more efficiency. Leave to act for 5 min. Check out the trick here.
125. Remove rust from faucets. Remove rust from shower heads or faucets by soaking them in white vinegar overnight. If the taps cannot be dismantled, just wrap them with a cloth soaked in white vinegar.
126. Clean the tub. Pass a sponge soaked in white vinegar on the bathtub and then with baking soda to remove soap residue. Rinse with clear water. Check out the trick here.
127. Remove limescale or mold. Heat 250 ml of white vinegar and add 1 teaspoon of washing up liquid and put everything in a spray bottle. Spray on limescale or mold and leave for about 30 minutes and rinse. No need to scrub, it's clean.
128. Wash the windows. Clean windows using pure white vinegar in a spray bottle. Then dry with newspaper. Check out the trick here.
129. Deodorize a room that smells of tobacco. If a room in the house smells like smoke or paint, place a small bowl of vinegar in the room and let it sit. Check out the trick here.
130. Deodorize the air. White vinegar is a natural air freshener. Put some in a sprayer and spray in the rooms you want to deodorize. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to make it smell clean. Check out the trick here.
131. Clean the glasses. Wipe each glass with a drop of white vinegar and a clean cloth. Check out the trick here.
132. Clean wooden furniture. Mix white vinegar with linseed oil and clean wooden furniture with it.
133. Wash plastic furniture. You can clean plastic and remove static electricity with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of white vinegar diluted in 5 liters of water. Your furniture will no longer attract dust. Check out the trick here.
134. Revive rugs and carpets. To give carpets and rugs a color boost, clean them with a solution of 250 ml of vinegar in 5 l of water.
135. Detach a carpet. Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar in 500 ml of lukewarm water to remove non-greasy stains. Apply the mixture to the stain with a soft brush or towel and rub gently. Rinse with a towel dampened with clean water and pat dry. Repeat until the stain is gone. Then dry quickly using a hair dryer. If the stain is fresh, this trick works even better.
136. Remove Coke stains from clothes. While the stain is still fresh, sponge it with pure white vinegar and rub gently. Then wash cotton, polyester or jersey fabric normally as directed on the label.
137. Dust the ventilation grilles and the fan. Enlevez la graisse et la saleté facilement avec une éponge trempée dans du vinaigre blanc. Les pales du ventilateur, les grilles d'aération seront nickel et en plus ils n'attireront plus la poussière.
138. Nettoyer le cuir. Les articles en cuir peuvent être nettoyés avec un mélange de vinaigre blanc et d'huile de lin. Frottez le mélange sur le cuir, puis polissez avec un chiffon doux.
139. Nettoyer le bois verni. Le bois verni devient parfois terne avec le temps. Si la saleté n'est pas infiltrée dans le bois, lavez le bois verni avec un chiffon doux non pelucheux et une solution de 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc dans 1 litre d'eau tiède. Terminez en essuyant la surface avec un chiffon doux et sec.
140. Dépoussiérer les boiseries. Enlevez la saleté des boiseries avec un mélange de 250 ml d'ammoniaque, 150 ml de vinaigre blanc, 50 g de bicarbonate et 250 ml d'eau tiède. Cette solution n'attaque pas la peinture et ne laisse pas de traces.
141. Enlever les traces d'eau sur le bois. Les traces rondes laissées par les verres humides s'enlèvent en les frottant avec un mélange de vinaigre blanc et d'huile d'olive à parts égales. Frottez dans le sens du bois et polissez pour un meilleur résultat. Ça marche aussi avec du dentifrice.
142. Nettoyer les lambris. Lavez-les avec un mélange de 50 ml d'huile d'olive et 100 ml de vinaigre blanc dans 1 litre d'eau chaude. Humidifiez un chiffon doux avec la solution et essuyez les lambris. Séchez ensuite avec un chiffon doux et sec.
143. Remplir à nouveau le vaporisateur Swiffer WetJet. Vous pouvez réutiliser le pulvérisateur vide de Swiffer en mélangeant 1 part de vinaigre blanc, 2 parts d'eau et quelques gouttes d'huiles essentielles parfumées. Plus besoin d'en racheter !
144. Nettoyer les tapis très sales. Nettoyez les tapis sales en versant du vinaigre blanc sur un balai-brosse propre. Frottez le tapis dans le sens des poils pour lui redonner vie. Vous n'avez même pas besoin de rincer.
145. Lessiver les murs. Avant de commencer à peindre une pièce, essuyez les murs avec un chiffon imbibé de vinaigre blanc et laissez sécher. Cela enlève la saleté et la crasse et permet à la peinture de mieux adhérer.
146. Nettoyer la souris. On touche la souris des centaines de fois par jour et elle se salit vite. Pour la laver, utilisez une solution d'eau et de vinaigre blanc à parts égales. Essuyez-la avec un chiffon imbibé de la solution. Puis laissez sécher à l'air libre.
147. Nettoyer les PC, les ordinateurs portables et tablettes. Assurez-vous d'abord que l'appareil est éteint, puis utilisez une solution d'eau et de vinaigre blanc à parts égales sur un chiffon en microfibre et essuyez tout. Check out the trick here.
148. Désinfecter les ciseaux. Prenez une serviette imbibée de vinaigre blanc pur et essuyez les lames. Séchez-les avec une serviette sèche.
149. Diminuer les bulles de savon dans le nettoyeur à vapeur. Mettez du vinaigre blanc dans le nettoyeur à vapeur pour réduire les bulles de savon.
150. Augmenter la durée de vie des lampes à pétrole. Faites tremper les nouvelles mèches dans du vinaigre blanc pendant plusieurs heures. Laissez-les sécher avant de les utiliser. Elles vont ainsi durer plus longtemps et vont être plus lumineuses.
151. Ramollir les os. Faites tremper les os de poulet dans un verre de vinaigre blanc pendant 3 jours. C'est la meilleure astuce pour les ramollir comme du caoutchouc.
152. Enlever les autocollants sur la voiture. Prenez un chiffon imbibé de vinaigre blanc et couvrez l'autocollant pendant plusieurs minutes jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trempé de vinaigre blanc. Check out the trick here.
153. Empêcher le plâtre de sécher trop vite. Ajoutez 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc à l'eau lorsque vous faites le mélange pour ralentir le temps de séchage.
154. Décoller la colle autour des vieux joints. Pour enlever la colle autour des joints de tables ou de chaises en réparation, appliquez du vinaigre blanc en utilisant un récipient à huile d'olive avec un bec verseur.
155. Laver les pinceaux. Faites tremper le pinceau dans du vinaigre blanc chaud, puis rincez à l'eau chaude et savonneuse pour décoller les poils. Check out the trick here.
156. Faire briller le cuir verni. Essuyez vos accessoires en cuir verni avec un chiffon doux humidifié de vinaigre blanc.
157. Désodoriser une pièce rapidement. Pour enlever une odeur désagréable et désodoriser une pièce, ajoutez de la cardamome ou toute autre épice dans un bol de vinaigre blanc et placez-le dans le coin le plus chaud de la pièce.
158. Nettoyer les touches du piano. Utilisez une solution avec 150 ml de vinaigre blanc dans 300 ml d'eau. Humidifiez un chiffon doux avec la solution et essuyez toutes les touches pour enlever la crasse. Utilisez un deuxième chiffon pour les sécher. Ne touchez pas le clavier pendant 24 heures.
159. Nettoyer les briques. Versez 250 ml de vinaigre blanc dans 5 litres d'eau. Plongez une éponge dans le mélange et frottez les briques avec. Vous pouvez par exemple nettoyer votre cheminée avec cette recette facile.
160. Éloigner les mouches de la piscine. Pour éloigner les mouches de votre piscine, versez du vinaigre blanc sur les bords extérieurs de votre piscine.