Did your children play in the garden?
They came back with grass stains on their clothes?
These stains are among the most difficult to clean and some detergents are not very effective.
Fortunately, there is an effective trick to easily remove a grass stain from clothing.
The trick is to soak the grass stain with white vinegar and leave to act for 30 minutes before putting in the machine. Watch:
1. Take white vinegar.
2. Spread out the stained clothes in front of you.
3. Soak each grass stain well with white vinegar so that it is thoroughly wetted.
4. Leave on for at least 30 min.
5. Machine wash as usual.
And There you go ! The grass stains are now totally gone :-)
No more stains that remain encrusted leaving traces on the fabric!
If you have time, let it act for a good hour, it will be even more effective.
Warning: some detergents only bleach the grass stains, but fix them permanently on the fabric.