Did you get a nice grease stain on your fabric couch?
If your sofa is not removable and you have to act quickly so that the grease does not become encrusted!
Fortunately, there is an effective trick to quickly clean that greasy stain on your couch.
The trick is to sprinkle the grease stain with Sommières soil. Watch:
1. Absorb excess fat and liquid with Sopalin.
2. Sprinkle the stain generously with Sommières soil.
3. Leave the product on overnight.
4. Once the powder dries, rub to remove the bulk.
5. Vacuum to remove the rest.
And There you go ! You have removed the grease stain on your couch :-)
The fat came off the fabric and the powder absorbed it!
For maximum effectiveness, apply the powder immediately after the stain has formed.
If the stain is still visible, do not hesitate to repeat the operation several times.
This trick also works against grease stains on armchairs, carpets, rugs and even clothes.