Want to keep your toilet clean and scented?
Here is a homemade trick that will make your life easier.
You will be able to clean and eliminate bad odors from your toilets naturally .
How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to effervescent tablets homemade.
And if you add your favorite essential oils to these homemade pastilles, the bathroom will become the most fragrant room in your house.
Keep these tablets in a nice container, next to the toilet to use a tablet as soon as you need it.
It is the simplest and most natural solution for keeping toilets clean and fragrant. Watch:
- 180 g baking soda
- 100g citric acid
- 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
- 15 to 20 drops of essential oil of your choice
- 1 pastry tray
- parchment paper
- measuring spoons
- 1 spray bottle (optional)
1. Pour the baking soda into a large container. Break up any lumps with a fork.
Baking soda is an ideal base for effervescent tablets, as it cleanses and eliminates bad odors naturally.
Add the citric acid and stir it in carefully. The citric acid will give even more potency to the pellets.
Note: You can replace the citric acid with a powdered preservative. It is easily found in supermarkets.
2. In a small glass, mix the white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. These two ingredients work together to thoroughly clean your toilets.
Now pour drop by drop the vinegar/hydrogen peroxide mixture in the bicarbonate/citric acid mixture.
Warning: If you pour the liquid all at once, you risk getting it all over the place!
Indeed, there is a chemical reaction between bicarbonate and citric acid!
3. Now add the drops of essential oil and mix it all gently.
Any essential oil is fine. But the ideal is to use a perfume that will leave a fresh and lingering smell - like wintergreen, lemongrass or lavender.
4. From this mixture, use a measuring spoon to make pellet-shaped balls as in the image below.
Place the pastilles on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
To remove the tablets easily, tap the measuring spoon lightly above the plate.
Using a spray bottle, you can also spray the tablets with a mixture of water and white vinegar (in equal parts).
This will form a crust and prevent the pellets from crumbling.
Let the pellets dry for at least 4 hours , even a whole night.
5. To store the pastilles, put them in an airtight jar next to the WC.
But do not forget to stick a small label on the jar! Otherwise, someone might mistake them for mints;-)
Also keep them out of the reach of children.
The next time there are bad smells, put a tablet in the tank of your toilet, after flushing the toilet.
You will love the scent that your lozenges give off. The air will be purified instantly!
And There you go ! Now you know how to keep your clean and fragrant toilets :-)
With this recipe, you can make about thirty homemade toilet tablets.
It's still better than chemical tablets which are expensive and pollute, right?