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A Homemade Multi-Purpose Cleaner For Shiny Floors.

A Homemade Multi-Purpose Cleaner For Shiny Floors.

Want a powerful, economical cleaner to clean all the floors in your home?

So many products you can find in stores to clean all the floors in your home...

They are expensive and full of chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment.

Fortunately, there is a very simple grandmother's trick for making a homemade multi-purpose cleaner.

The effective trick is to use white vinegar to clean the tiles. Watch:

A Homemade Multi-Purpose Cleaner For Shiny Floors.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Savings

How to

1. Pour a liter of water into your washing container or basin

2. Dilute 200 ml of white vinegar.

3. Add a little lemon or mint essential oil, if you want your cleaning to leave behind a pleasant smell.


And there you have it, you have made your homemade multi-purpose cleaner :-)

It's easy, isn't it? And your house will be perfectly clean.

The interesting property of vinegar is that in addition to cleaning, it will disinfect all your floors in a single operation. Your floors are impeccably cleaned and they smell good.

You can use it to clean the floors but also all other surfaces in the bathroom or even the worktop in the kitchen.

It will replace all those specialized products and all those bombs and bottles that clutter your cupboards.

Savings achieved

Considering the price of cleaning products today, your homemade multi-purpose cleaner will allow you to make substantial savings.

And even if you scent it with essential oils, that extra freshness won't add much to the bill for making your homemade cleanser.

By adopting this type of homemade product all year round, you will be able to compare and see the difference with what you usually pay by buying all kinds of "specialty" stuff.

And you'll congratulate yourself for changing your habits to try something else.