What could be worse than taking good care of a plant and see her perish?
Or worse, to find her almost dead when she returns from vacation.
Fortunately, all may not be lost!
Often, a plant that seems dead still has plenty of resources in it.
She can come back to life almost miraculously if you help her get off to a good start.
Here are 20 incredible tricks to resuscitate a dead plant. Watch:
Just because the leaves are dry doesn't mean the plant is completely dead.
First check the condition of the rods with this simple trick.
To do this, cut a small branch:if the inside is green, the sap is still flowing through the plant.
This means that you will be able to save her.
If the stems are brittle, or the inside is brown, bad news:the plant is likely to be dead.
Also check the condition of the roots. If they are completely dry, unfortunately nothing more can be done for the plant...
It is important to quickly rid the plant of dead parts in order to free it from this burden.
This is the best trick so that she can devote all her sap and energy to the healthy parts and start again.
To do this, cut the dead leaves with pruning shears, then the dry stems.
Do this step by step, because as soon as you see green inside the stem, it means it's healthy...
...and therefore we must stop cutting!
Thanks to this trick, new stems will start from cut stems.
If the roots of the plant are still vigorous, do not completely cut the aerial part.
On the contrary, leave him a few stems above the foot, about 5 cm.
This is where the plant will start again.
There can be several reasons why a plant is dying.
Either way, it's important to find out what's wrong with your plant.
Is it a lack of water? Nutrients? Pests or disease? A lack of light?
Once the cause is found, you will be able to resuscitate it much more easily.
Let's see together how to find out what is wrong with the plant.
How to know if a plant lacks water?
Just look at the edges of its leaves.
If they are brown and curled up, it is a sign of drying out.
If the soil is peeling off the edge of the pot, this is another sign that indicates a lack of water.
If all these signs are present, water the plant without delay.
But be careful, don't drown her either!
Water it gently over several days so it has time to recover.
To discover: How Often Should You Water Indoor Plants? The Simple And Practical Guide
If the plant is dry and watering is not enough, move it to a damp place in the house.
And preferably without direct sunlight.
The bathroom is the perfect room for that!
It will then absorb the humidity of the room through the leaves.
It's a good method if you have a tendency to forget watering!
To discover: 8 Plants You Hardly Need to Water.
Some plants are very sensitive to chemicals found in irrigation water.
Chloride, fluoride but also limestone present in tap water are harmful to certain plants.
Bamboos, for example, cannot stand chlorinated water.
It is best to use rainwater or filtered water.
To discover: Use a Rain Collector to Collect Water for Free.
When a plant has been overwatered, it looks wilted, has yellow leaves, and of course, the soil is soggy.
To prevent the plant from dying, lay the pot down so that the excess water drains away.
Then, transplant the flower into a pot with dry soil.
It's not complicated and it can save the life of a dying plant.
If the plant is feeling slack, it may be tempting to give it some fertilizer to revive it.
But don't do it right away! Why?
Because the fertilizer can indeed burn the weakened roots.
To put fertilizer, wait until the plant is well recovered.
Some plants need a lot of light to grow.
If the plant lacked it:its leaves are pale, and its stems are weakened.
As a result, its growth is slowed down.
The solution is simple, put the plant in the light or in full sun if it supports it.
In a few days, we will see nothing but fire.
If your plant does not have enough light, also remember to wash the windows of the room.
Why ? Because it will make a real difference in terms of the sun's rays on the plant.
You can also put white gravel on the soil of the plant so that it reflects the light on the plant.
There are plants that hate direct sunlight.
When this is the case, the plant is burned, and its leaves are dry with dark or whitish spots.
So what to do? Cut off excessively damaged leaves and move the plant to a shady, moist location.
Also remember to water it if necessary.
If you can't move the plant, find a way to put it in the shade:parasol, tarpaulin, awning...
If one of your plants has been hit by frost, it will wilt and its leaves will change color.
Jasmine, grapevine and southern plants are particularly sensitive to frost.
Fortunately, to save a plant that has frozen, there is a simple and effective trick.
To do this, start by cutting the parts burned by the cold.
Then cover the rest of the plant with an overwintering veil or newspaper until the weather is warmer.
A plant that lacks essential nutrients is sure to die.
It withers, does not grow normally, its leaves are malformed and discolored, and the stems are weak.
To remedy this, transplant the plant in rich soil and regularly add a little natural fertilizer.
If you find a potted plant showing signs of fatigue, it may have outgrown the pot.
The trick is to repot it in a larger pot with good, well-drained soil.
The roots will have more room to grow. No more plant dying!
Applying too much fertilizer, or the wrong fertilizer, will end up having more negative effects than positive, such as burning the roots.
Yet your plants need fertilizer.
For this, use a water-soluble fertilizer watering regularly.
To discover: The 7 Best DIY Fertilizers For The Garden.
Apply fertilizer at the right time. Yes, but which one?
A plant is fertilized only during the growth period, that is to say from spring to autumn.
There is no need to fertilize it in winter because the plants are resting, except for winter plants of course.
Pests can kill a plant or shrub in just a few days.
So watch your plants regularly to avoid a disaster!
If they have bent, curled, discolored leaves, holes, strange growths, or you see critters on them, you need to act fast.
Very often, simple black soap diluted in water gets rid of aphids, scale insects, powdery mildew, blisters... Discover the trick here.
Avoid attracting pests near your plants!
How? 'Or' What ? It's simple and brutally effective.
To do this, do not leave pet food bowls, waste or leftover food near your plants.
This is the best trick to not have plants attacked by pests.
Part of getting rid of pests is also understanding why they are attracted to your flowers.
If your plant is sick, it is better to isolate it from other plants.
Why ? This helps prevent spread to others who are still healthy.
It's a bit like the coronavirus for us;-)
Remove diseased leaves and burn them to prevent further spread.