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The DIY Knitting Glossary

The DIY Knitting Glossary

Knitting more than just grabbing some needles and a ball of yarn:you actually have to use your little gray cells. After you've been knitting for a while, terms and abbreviations become second nature, but when you're starting out, sometimes those letters just don't make sense. So the editors at have compiled a cheat sheet to help you take care of your Ps and Ks.

Weave abbreviations

* repeat the instructions immediately after the * (asterisk) the first time, plus the specified number of times

[] repeat the instructions inside the bracket the specified number of times

alt alternate

BO link (ing) off (also known as cast [ing] off)

CC contrast color

CO cast (eng) in

cont continue

Dec decrease or decrease

PD double tip

dpns double pointed needles

follower following

in inches)

Co increase or increase

K or k weave

K2 tog knit 2 stitches together

MC main color

P or p purl

P2 tog Purl 2 stitches together

pat model

PSSO pass slip stitch over

SKP slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass slip stitch over stitch

slip slip a stitch

sl st slip stitch

ssk slip 1 point o'clock, slip 1 point o'clock, join these 2 points to form a decrease

st (s) point(s)

St st stockinette stitch

reps repeat

rapid eye movement remaining)

RS right side

WS wrong side

wyib with thread on the back

wyif with thread in front

Yf thread forward

me yarns

Weaving Terms

Below are some common (and some not so common) terms that are used in various projects.

Aran weave: A technique of combining stitches and pattern work in a solid color (usually white), it takes its name from the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland.

Continental method: Also known as harvesting , A weaving method in which the thread is held in the left hand.

Felt: A process by which knitted wool is soaked in hot water to contract and tighten the fibers and create a dense weave.

Caliber: The number of stitches per inch horizontally and vertically when using the recommended thread weight and stitch pattern

Intarsia (in-tar-zha) - the integration of isolated color blocks in a project; from Italian intarsio , or embedding.

Stitch key: Explanation of symbols on a chart, similar to a map legend.

Stockinette or average stitch - a pattern consisting of alternating rows of knit (flat) and purl stitches; One of the fundamentals of weaving..

Tail: The loose end of the thread..

Launch: Knitting technique in which the thread is held in the right hand; aka thrown or English method.

Worker thread: The part of the thread that is being worked on.