wooden box like a wine box
Luan board (thin plywood)
scroll saw, if used
safety glasses
brush and red and black paint
golden golden cream
hammer and finish nails
grass cloth to fit the bottom of the drawer
Get a wooden box, whether it's a discarded wooden wine crate, a pre-made shadow box from the craft store, or something you can put together yourself.
From the luan board, which is a very thin plywood available at the store, cut two triangles, one slightly smaller than the other and both the same width as the box when you lay it on its shorter end. A jigsaw makes short work of the job. Simply trace a paper pattern on the luan with a pencil and be sure to wear safety glasses when working with the jigsaw. If you don't have a jigsaw or aren't comfortable using one, a lumberyard can also cut luan to your specifications.
Paint the box. Make it popular, don't worry about getting an even coat or covering the nooks and crannies of the wood. Use a regular brush to paint the inside red and the outside black.
Add some golden gilt cream around the front edges of the shadow box to create an oriental look. Of course, all paint colors can be altered depending on your shadow box theme or the mood you're trying to create.
Paint the triangles. Attach one to the top of the box at the front and one behind it, using a hammer and drive nails. Three nails are enough to hold each triangle in place.
Cut a piece of grass cloth to fit the bottom of the box. Spray adhesive on the back of the grass cloth and on the surface of the box and let it tack for a few minutes before pressing the cloth into place.
If you want to hang something inside the shadow box, screw a hook screw into the inside "ceiling". If you want to attach something to the back of the shadow box, attach it.
Show items in the box. Attach flat elements to the back with putty. For an oriental theme, consider an Asian fan, a bonsai tree, and a Chinese takeout box. Another possibility:votive candles in glass holders on the flat top of the shadow box.
Q:What is the best way to anchor a larger shadow box to the wall?
A:Use a very sturdy picture hanging accessory, the same type you would use to hang a heavy mirror.
Q:What is the best way to preserve photographs?
A:If you're talking about an older photograph that isn't on acid-free paper, copy it in color. Show the copy and keep the photo between acid-free sheets.
Q:If I had to buy one type of brush to start crafting, what would you recommend?
A:Personally I would recommend a good round brush, but it's a personal thing. To find your preference, go to the store, get a variety pack, and experiment a bit.