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Recycled Pop Top Bracelet

Experience Level:Beginner

Materials and tools

Refreshment tables:washed and cleaned, approximately 20
Elastic cord - two lengths, each approximately 12"
small binder clips


Note: You need to work with an even number of rings and make sure the center ring at the top pop-up is missing. For each side there is a smooth top and a rough side. You want to make sure the rough side is sandwiched on the inside because you want the smooth side next to your skin.

1. Take two lengths of bungee cord and fasten the leftmost ends with a binding clip, leaving space between them.

2. Take the first two tabs and overlap them (raw sides together). Put the top elastic into the top hole (front to back), then pull the elastic through the overlapping hole. Repeat with the bottom hole and bottom length of elastic. Drag the tabs to the left so they rest about 1/2" from their looped ends.

3. Add the third tab by placing it next to the first tab (rough side in), then pull the top elastic into the bottom overlapping hole of the second and third tabs (front to back). Take the bottom elastic and place it in the top overlapping holes. The strings will now be criss-crossed. Make sure the tabs curl up next to each other.

4. Flip it over. Add a fourth tab by placing it next to the second tab (rough side in), and now pull the top elastic into the top overlapping holes of the third and fourth tabs (front to back). Do the same with the bottom elastic strand in the overlapping holes at the bottom. The chords on this side will be parallel.

5. Flip again. Add a fifth tab by placing it next to the third tab (rough side in) and pull the top elastic to the bottom overlapping hole of the fourth and fifth holes (front to back). Pull the bottom elastic through the top overlapping hole.

6. Continue in this way, adding tabs so that one side of the bracelet has criss-cross cords, and then the other side has a parallel elastic, until you have added 20 tabs in all. (Quickly wrap the bracelet around your wrist for access if 20 is enough. If not, add more tabs accordingly, just make sure you have an even number of tabs at the end.)

7. Fold the bracelet connecting the ends so you can see how they fit together. The far left and far right tabs will overlap. Hold in place.

8. Remove the binder clip from one side. Pull the top and bottom elastic cords into the overlapping holes to close the bracelet. Tie the corresponding strands of the cord and cut off the excess. Turn the bracelet to hide the knots.