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These pet training devices will keep your furry friend in line

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Here are some of the best pet training gadgets available today:

Bluefang dog training collar

The new Bluefang training collar has two uses:to teach obedience and to control barking.

The obedience training system uses a "command, tone, prompt" technique that places an emphasis on positive (rather than negative) reinforcement. The theory is that you assign one of the collar's tones to a command such as "sit", "stay", or "heel". It is hoped that your pet will slowly learn to associate the command directly with your voice, which will allow you to eliminate the need for tone altogether..

The anti-bark feature works by "shocking" your dog when he barks unnecessarily, thus reducing the frequency with which the animal barks over time. Thanks to a vibration sensor, the collar is smart enough to be able to distinguish between typical "nuisance" barks, and more urgent barks (for example, if there is an intruder or an emergency).

The collar can be fully controlled by the accompanying smartphone app, allowing it to issue commands and warnings when needed. The collar has a range of 400 feet, and is waterproof and shock resistant. Finally, an app will let you control multiple collars.

X-10 Deluxe Underground Electric Fence

While a fancy smart collar might allow you to teach your pet some basic commands, it won't stop Fido or Garfield from digging up your orchard or rose garden while you're stuck at the office. You need something more robust..

These pet training devices will keep your furry friend in line

That's where rumble fences come in handy. It's true that a physical fence can prevent a small dog from wandering into off-limits areas, but cats and larger dogs would have no problem waiting on it (of course, if your fence is too big, so too). will do). Stop being able to see the pretty bushes behind him!).

The electric fence itself is actually a series of small posts that you put into the ground, which means your line of sight is not interrupted and there are no ugly constructions. Your pet then wears a specially adapted collar, which will start giving off uncomfortable pulses as it gets closer to the edge. The closer you get, the more pronounced the pulse rate becomes, and eventually the animal will back away.

Radio Mat Electronic Scat Pad

Any pet owner will tell you that animals on the couch are a big deal; They cover it with hair, scratch it, make it dirty and generally make it unsuitable for human use.

This Scat Pad has the goal of training your furry friend to stop going to the couch, all without you lifting a finger.

These pet training devices will keep your furry friend in line

Simply place the pad in front of the piece of furniture in question and place the specially designed collar around your pet's neck. Thereafter, the device works similarly to the aforementioned electric fence:once Fido steps on the pad as he approaches the couch, the collar will either emit a loud noise, a shock stimulus, or a combination of both. The dog (or cat) will quickly learn to associate unpleasantness with going to the sofa and will begin to give it ample space.

Super-Pro Remote Dummy Launcher

Whether you want to train your Bloodhound to become an expert hunter, or just want to encourage your Poodle to make a game of chasing the ball, the Super-Pro Remote Dummy Launcher will definitely come in handy. It also works to train your dog to swim through water or climb obstacles.

It is fully portable and can be set up in any location to recreate a recovery scenario. Each launcher can fire dummies or actual "recovery bumpers" up to 100 yards.

Best of all, it can be remotely connected to your smartphone, allowing you to launch it from the comfort of your own living room. This means that you can continue to train your dog even if the weather outside doesn't have to be boring. iPhone Apps The weather doesn't have to be boring with these iPhone apps I know it's going to rain, but isn't there a more attractive way to break the news? Read More Up to 16 launchers can be connected to a single remote, allowing you to set a variety of angles and distances to keep your dog entertained.

Pet trainer and game system

Pet Tutor is a smart, wireless training system for your dog. It is designed to reduce barking, separation anxiety, unnecessary fear, and overeating, while giving your pet lots of fun and enjoyment.

Designed by an electrical engineer, its main premise is to be a versatile and reliable treatment dispensing device. The designer claims that if he can think of a situation where he would have to remotely or automatically dispense treats to a dog, the Pet Guardian will be able to do it.

For example, the device can detect motion and accordingly reward the dog for staying in his bed or not running to the front door when the doorbell rings. What is a smart doorbell, and which one should you buy? What is a smart doorbell, and what should you buy? Doorbells that provide two-way communication, enable remote monitoring and send alerts directly to your smartphone? We are not talking about the future:all this (and more) is already possible with smart doorbells. Read more . It can hear sounds, so it will reward the dog for being quiet at night, or you can use the app on your phone to mimic the typical noises that make a dog bark (babies, car alarms, thunder, etc.) and reward the animal if it remains silent.

It can also be used as a timed feeder during the day and you can even make feeding a game by shooting the food in different directions at short intervals.

Lastly, it has companion toys that have motion sensors, so it encourages exercise by handing out treats when your dog plays.

What do you use?

Have you tried any of the gadgets or devices that we have discussed in the article? Which of the five do you think is the best? What would you use your pet more of? These devices make it easy to own pets. 6 Automated Pet Products to Make Being a Pet Owner Easy. 6 Automated Pet Products to Make Being a Pet Owner Easy. Fortunately, technology now has the ability to help you with your pet care needs. Aquí, echamos un vistazo a seis productos automatizados para mascotas que harán su vida mucho más fácil. Read more ?

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