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Buddybites custom dog food for your four-legged friend

Taking good care of your dog is very important. You want to enjoy your buddy for as long as possible. The right choice of dog food plays an important role in this. I discovered Buddybites, dog food just for your four-legged friend.

The dog as a faithful four-legged friend

Due to the Corona, the number of people who have adopted a pet has increased significantly. Prices for dogs, among other things, are skyrocketing and shelters are emptier than ever. Hopefully people have consciously chosen a pet and not many of these animals end up in a shelter later on.

As in previous years, the dog is and remains one of the most popular pets. Not surprising, because with the measures in force you will hardly get anywhere. A dog more or less forces you outside, since dogs have to be walked.

The fact that the dog is and remains so popular is very easy to explain. Dogs are loyal, can learn tricks to a limited extent and live to a reasonable age. Especially if you compare this with other pets such as a rodent.

However, you do not just take a dog into your home. There is a lot that goes into care. That starts with choosing the right feed. Maybe you have a certain idea for this in advance. Only when your dog is actually in the house will you find out which food suits your dog perfectly.

Don't feel like figuring this out for yourself? Then you can opt for custom dog food. I discovered Buddybites, custom dog food and had it extensively tested by our dogs Minnie and Daisy.

Reading tip :Separate names for your pet

Buddybites custom dog food for your four-legged friend

Buddybites is a fairly new brand that has been marketed for Belgian and Dutch dog owners. The dog food originated from the brains of Mattijs and Charlotte who searched in vain for food for their Sheltie dog. Unfortunately, the food did not meet expectations and Sky continued to walk around with an allergy.

In the end, food was custom-made under the supervision of experts. And this food is now also available for your dog. The dog food has the following composition:

  • Extra salmon oil
  • A lot of meat
  • Hypoallergenic

Customized dog food

Every dog ​​is different and so is the reaction to the food. Perhaps a friend of yours has a dog with dog food X that it does very well on. If you give this to your dog, however, it turns out that your dog does not tolerate the food. That is why it is important to choose custom dog food. Are you curious how it all works?

The first thing to consider is your dog's needs. Is it energetic and does it have a lot of exercise per day? Or not? The age, breed and sex of your dog will also be taken into account. The fact whether it is neutered or sterilized also plays a major role. A picture of your dog is sketched on the basis of 10 questions.

The answers are used to put together dog food that meets your dog's energy needs. The food comes with a measuring cup, so that your dog does not get too much or too little food.

Guidance by vet

The great thing about Buddybites is that guidance from a vet is guaranteed. So you can always contact her online with all questions about nutrition. This is especially nice because your dog has to get used to the new food at least in the beginning.

My experience with Buddybites

As mentioned before, we have two dogs in the house. Both came from Suriname. Minnie is now 9 years old and Daisy 6. We suspect that Daisy had a very bad start as a puppy, because she has osteoarthritis and can no longer walk. Yet she still enjoys life to the full and often acts crazy when she lies on her back with all four legs in the air.

Since we love the dogs, we naturally want the best for them. As far as food is concerned, we have already tried quite a lot, except for tailor-made food. I was curious if this food was as suitable as indicated. So time to test it.

After completing the questionnaire for both ladies, we received a nice package within 2 days. It contained two bags of food, a measuring cup, a bone (present) and a roll of dog biscuits that I had ordered.

You can see how the unboxing went in the video below (excuse the mess in the background, video was recorded very early in the morning due to renovation around the house):

The intention is to build up the feeding with Buddybites slowly. Your dog needs some time to get used to a different food. With my dogs it went fairly quickly. What struck me was that Daisy, in particular, started drinking a lot. I contacted the vet about this and she immediately reassured me. The composition of the kibble can make your dog more thirsty, especially when switching.

They have now both started a new bag and the dog food is very popular. Of course it is not only important that your dog likes the food, but that it is especially important for health. I notice in both Daisy and Minnie that the bowel movements are a bit firmer and that they look a lot healthier and fitter.

Now take advantage of a 50% discount

Do you want to try this food yourself for your dog? Does your dog have an allergy? Do you like it when your dog is monitored by an online vet? Try out Buddybites for yourself now. With this link you get a 50% discount on custom dog food.