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Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

Many of the leading smart home devices require you to have programming skills if you truly want to maximize their potential. Fortunately, IFTTT (If This Then That) exists for those without any programming knowledge.

Wink is one of the most popular IFTTT compatible smart home systems currently on the market. Using IFTTT and the Wink hub, you can connect devices to each other in endless combinations using existing recipes, or creating your own.

If you have a Wink hub and have been looking for more ways to use it effectively, which IFTTT recipes should you use? Read on to find out.

What is a wink?

The main purpose of Wink is to act as a hub for all the devices in your smart home. Which Smart Hub for Home Automation is Best for You? Which Smart Hub for Home Automation is Best for You? For a while, people thought the idea was nothing more than a gimmick, but recent product launches have shown that smart home automation is starting to deliver on its promises. Read more . With a mobile app, you can control hundreds of individual products from 37 different manufacturers.

Wink compatible devices can be divided into eight different categories:lighting , switches , sensors , hair , thermostats , outdoors , accessories , and voice controls .

For each device, you can use the app to create schedules, set triggers, create action shortcuts. Wink connects and simplifies your smart home. Wink connects and simplifies your smart home. always work together Wink aims to connect you all in a truly smart way. Read more, and much more.

How to link Wink with IFTTT

Before you can use any IFTTT recipes, you need to connect your Wink hub to your IFTTT account. Luckily, it's a simple process..

Sign in to your IFTTT account and type Wink in the search box. You will see different results. Locate Winks Shortcuts and click on it. Finally, click on Connect and enter your Wink credentials to complete the process.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

Now you are free to find and use Wink recipes, or even create your own. You can find existing Wink recipes by navigating to Open a recipe and click Turn on to display it.

The 10 best recipes

Now that the basics are out of the question, let's take a look at the best IFTTT recipes. 10 of the best IFTTT recipes for smart home automation. 10 of the best IFTTT recipes for smart home automation. , effort and energy. Here are ten of our favorites to get you started. Read more.

1. When I start my car to go out, adjust my thermostat and turn off the lights

What you need:Automatic

How many times have you left your home, only to have to go back and turn off a light or turn off the central heating?

It won't happen anymore. This premade recipe uses Automatic, the leading smart car app, to send a signal to Wink. Every time you start your car, it will turn off the specific lights you have programmed.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

2. Turn on all lights in the event of a carbon monoxide alarm.

What you need:Nest

Carbon monoxide poisoning is dangerous. The colorless, odorless gas can kill you in less than 30 minutes at a concentration of 3,200 ppm (which is only 0.32 percent of air). As such, smart carbon monoxide alarms are one of the first things you should install in a new home.

This IFTTT recipe uses your Wink to turn on all the lights in your home if your Nest detects dangerous levels of gas.

3. If it rains tomorrow then update your Nimbus dial

What you need:Nimbus

A Nimbus dial acts as a personal dashboard. You can use it to display updates from a wide selection of apps, devices, and websites. It's made by Quirky, the same company responsible for Wink.

Using this recipe, your Nimbus will display a notification if rain is forecast for the next day. It will help you dress and prepare for the day accordingly. Weather Underground provides the data.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

4. If it rises above X degrees outside, turn on your A/C

What you need:Hoops

Summer is here. We've already shown you how you can use smart home technology to your advantage to make hot weather more bearable 7 Ways Technology Can Help You Survive This Summer 7 Ways Technology Can Help You Survive This Summer Sun and warmth of summer seems like a beautiful dream...until you arrive and remember how thick sweat, heat and humidity are. These tools will keep you cool even during the hottest months. Read More

If you run it, your home's air conditioner will automatically turn on once the temperature exceeds a user-specified threshold. You'll never come home to a warm house again!

5. If armed in stay mode, use the wink shortcut

What you need:Home8

When you're in bed, the last thing you want to do is get up to check that all your doors are locked.

This recipe connects Wink to your Home8 security system. When you arm your alarm in stay mode, Wink will immediately seal off all your entry points and turn off the lights.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

6. If your Egg Minder has less than X eggs, add a reminder to your iPhone

What you need:Egg Minder, iPhone

Eggs are the ultimate breakfast food. Their versatility, shelf life, and protein-packed consistency make them the perfect way to start the day.

If you are an egg lover, running out unexpectedly is a truly traumatic experience. Use this recipe to make sure you never go short again.

7. If you add $X to Porkfolio, then add a new row to a Google Spreadsheet

What you need:Porkfolio, a Google account.

I have been critical of Porkfolio in the past. I even mentioned it as one of the dumbest smart home gadgets. 15 Weird Smart Home Gadgets Nobody Should Want 15 Weird Smart Home Gadgets Nobody Should Want There's a lot of technology out there that makes our lives better. There are also these gadgets, which could be the weirdest inventions in recent history. Read more on the market. However, it has benefits for a child:it teaches them about money and fiscal responsibility.

With this recipe, Wink will add data to a Google sheet every time money is added to the device. It's a great way for parents to track their kids' saving and spending habits.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

8. Amazon Echo turns the Christmas tree on/off in Power Pivot Genius

What you need:Amazon Echo, Pivot Power Genius

I've told you how Wink can help in the summer, but what about in the winter? If you're a fan of Christmas, it can be a chore to turn all your fairy lights on and off every day.

Why not let Wink do the work? Connect Wink to your Amazon Echo and Power Pivot Genius and you can light up your home with nothing more than a voice command.

9. If the alarm is on, turn on all the lights.

What you need:Abode

This is another safety themed recipe. Like carbon monoxide, it will instantly activate all the lights in your home if your home alarm goes off.

The shock of the alarm sounding and all the lights on will be enough to scare away all but the most dedicated intruders.

Top 10 IFTTT Recipes to use with your Wink Hub

10. Turn on the lights when I connect to my home Wi-Fi

What you need:Android

This recipe acts as an alternative to Android's location detection feature. Instead of using traditional geofencing How you can use Geofencing to improve your privacy and security How you can use Geofencing to improve your privacy and security Geofencing uses GPS to define geographic boundaries and can be very helpful in managing your personal security. Read More

As soon as your Android device connects to your local network, a set of predefined lights will automatically turn on.

What IFTTT recipes do you use??

These are 10 of the best pre-made IFTTT recipes, but remember that you can make your own Wink recipes using any device, app, or service that supports IFTTT.

What recipes do you use? Have you made any of your own? As always, you can leave all your ideas and feedback in the comments section below.