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Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

Recent technological innovations in Healthcare could be the answer to help seniors lead healthy, independent lives at home without family members or healthcare providers worrying about their well-being.

The popular image of an elderly person who can't work on a computer is the punch line of many jokes, but it may not be relevant for long.

According to a study conducted by Pew Research, today's older adults are excellent at using technology! In fact, almost sixty percent of all older adults (65+) have an internet connection, and 71% of those who do have their own internet connection go online every day. There are also a wealth of resources to help older adults learn computer skills. Top 6 websites to help seniors gain basic internet and computer skills. Top 6 websites to help seniors gain basic internet and computer skills. computer skills are very easy to learn, even more so today when everything is designed to be user-friendly and visually accessible. So let's go out... Read More .

Why not harness the computer savvy of seniors by enabling them to manage their health through wireless healthcare technologies?

Mobile healthcare helps the elderly

Mobile health care is a growing trend. Smartphone:Smart health? [INFOGRAPHIC] Smartphone - Smart Health? [INFOGRAPHIC] Whoever said that a smartphone is the extension of someone's hand was correct. Because it seems like every time someone has a pain or ache, the first thing they do is check their phone or... Read More

Apps, devices, and online portals have been developed to enable home recovery, act as emergency help, provide virtual house calls, enable proactive monitoring of existing conditions, and protect older adults with dementia.

By incorporating these technologies into their daily lives, seniors can take control of their health and live independently, physicians are provided with additional information to help them make health care decisions, and family members are gives some peace of mind..

Recovery at home

Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

Recovery after a medical event can be costly, especially if older people are encouraged to stay in the hospital or other assisted living setting until their doctor has finished monitoring their statistics.

While it may not be the answer for all older adults (some medical conditions require custodial care and in-depth monitoring that aren't available elsewhere!), many people in this scenario now have an alternative to a stay. lengthy stay in the hospital that offers greater freedom AND the ability to finish your recovery at home.

Zephyr Life is one such alternative:a collection of devices and apps that collect information about a patient's well-being and forward the information through a secure portal and handheld device to their healthcare professionals.

The main technological component of Zephyr Life is the "BioPatch", a small electrode (1 oz.) that is placed on the individual's chest using basic adhesive electrodes, which offers continuous monitoring of activity levels, changes in heart rate or rhythm, respiratory changes, and potential infections.

The data collected from the BioPatch is sent through the Zephyr HealthHub mobile device and can be accessed through the application that is preloaded on the handheld.

Emergency aid

Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

Wireless emergency aids have come a long way since ancient times “Help, I fell down and can't get up.” commercials!

Concerns about falls can be an important consideration when deciding whether an older adult should stay in her own home. By using a wireless medical alert system like those offered by Bay Alarm, you can be sure seniors will have easy access to emergency help no matter where they are in your home.

Alert buttons can be purchased as bracelets, pendants and as a base station. If a fall or other emergency occurs, all the older adult needs to do is press the button on their alert system and an operator can reassure them and contact family or emergency services if necessary.

Bay Alarm's alert system works anywhere within a 1,000-foot radius, and monthly landline, cell, and GPS plans are available for a very reasonable fee. The best of all systems (including the landline system) can be easily transported to a different location for added peace of mind, no matter where life takes you.

Virtual house calls

Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

No matter how wonderful your doctor is, getting to an appointment can be a hassle.

Rearranging your schedule, finding transportation, and then waiting for what seems like hours in a crowded waiting room can be an exhausting experience, and it can be even more exhausting for seniors who have mobility problems, can no longer drive, or have medical problems. that make it difficult to leave the house.

New online portals like Medeo are a fantastic way for seniors to have an appointment with their doctor from the comfort of their living room.

While online portals can't replace the physical evaluations a doctor might do in person, they're a great replacement for appointments to arrange a referral to a specialist, refill prescriptions, or discuss test results.

Medeo is an online portal, so no private information is stored on the mobile device you use to access the service. Keeps track of your appointments and allows you to connect with your existing family doctor (provided they have also signed up for the service), so you know you are receiving care from someone who knows and cares about you and your medical journey .

Preventive monitoring

Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

When it comes to healthcare, the old adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been more true.

The best way to ensure older adults can maintain independent living and a high quality of life is to ensure that all risk factors for chronic disease (such as high blood pressure, inactivity, obesity, high cholesterol, etc.) are under control. control. Control and at optimal levels..

One of the best general monitoring systems for these risk factors is the iHealth system (although there are also comparable systems available that are not specific to iOS).

iHealth offers a wide range of measurement tools, allowing you to track your blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels, measure your weight and body fat percentage, and track your activity level. daily..

This health information can be easily integrated with iOS devices. IOS 8 turns your iPhone into a personal healthcare monitor. IOS 8 turns your iPhone into a personal healthcare monitor. works. Read More

Dementia care

Keeping Grammy Safe Wireless Home Health Service Saves Lives

Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias are becoming a very common problem:it is estimated that 1 in 7 older adults over the age of 75 have (or will develop) dementia. This is incredibly unfortunate for those affected, and can also cause an incredible amount of stress for those taking on the role of caregiver (often a spouse or adult child).

One technological innovation that has been incredibly effective in reducing caregiver stress is the use of wireless health care service systems that include GPS tracking to help locate a person with dementia who may have left home or in a unknown place..

One promising product is the GPS Smart Sole, an insole that uses GPS tracking to provide information to caregivers in real time. This information can be accessed on a central monitoring website from any mobile device or computer. Having the tracker on a person's shoe is a great idea, as a pendant or bracelet is much less likely to be lost.

Hi-Tech Healthcare

The wide range of wireless healthcare products and apps available is overwhelming, and it's exciting to think that medical monitoring technology will continue to advance. y permitirá una mayor avances en la atención médica personalizada.

Muchos de estos productos tienen una alta inversión inicial, pero ofrecen increíbles beneficios. No solo ofrecen tranquilidad a los médicos, adultos mayores y familiares preocupados, sino que también les dan a los adultos mayores el control sobre sus necesidades médicas y su salud. Los beneficios que estos productos pueden ofrecer en atención médica preventiva, seguridad personal y mejores tiempos de recuperación pueden valer la pena la inversión!

Si bien la transición inicial a la atención médica basada en la tecnología puede ser difícil, hay muchos trucos para hacer que las computadoras sean accesibles para las personas mayores. 7 pasos para hacer que las computadoras sean accesibles para las personas mayores. 7 pasos para hacer que las computadoras sean accesibles para las personas mayores. de paciencia, su amigo o familiar podrá navegar rápidamente estos programas.

También es importante mencionar que si bien este artículo se enfoca en la atención médica para adultos mayores, todos estos productos pueden ser igualmente útiles para personas con enfermedades crónicas, discapacidades u otras necesidades de estilo de vida únicas..

¿Has usado alguno de estos productos? ¿Considerarías usarlos en el futuro??