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6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

If you are not already protected by a home surveillance network, you should look for it. The peace of mind is worth the cost, and the cost of getting set up is almost negligible these days.

You don't believe me. Next, check out our guide to creating a security camera network using old smartphones. How to build a security camera network with old smartphones. How to build a security camera network with old smartphones. There's no better use of old smartphones than building your own DIY network. Security camera system:we show you everything you need to know. Read more . If you don't have anything lying around, you can always buy some that are multiple generations old. Or, you could go simpler and just use a webcam for home surveillance Use your webcam for home surveillance with these tools Use your webcam for home surveillance with these tools Have your own surveillance system in the home it can be a powerful obstacle for would-be intruders, snooping roommates, or frustrating co-workers. Here are 6 great options for webcam-based surveillance products that you can use today! Read more.

But security cameras are useful for more than just surveillance. With a touch of creativity and a little effort, you can improve your quality of life with these unusual ideas for your security cameras.

Motion sensor notifications

The obvious way to make use of your surveillance network is to review the recordings periodically. The second most obvious way is to take advantage of live video streaming using a remote computer or mobile device. Unfortunately, both methods are high maintenance.

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

What if you could modify your surveillance in such a way that it alerts you when it detects something unusual? Instead of checking in every day, you can forget about it until the network sends you an alert. Much more convenient, I'd say.

There are free programs out there, like YawCam, that let you use your webcam for motion detection How to Set Up a Motion Detection Surveillance System with iPhone Notifications How to Set Up a Motion Detection Surveillance System with iPhone Notifications A thing i've been What I want to do is set up my always-on home server as a CCTV surveillance system that sends alerts to my iPhone whenever it detects motion. Although the results are fantastic, you… Read more. Combined with Growl, you can send text or email alerts when motion is detected. If you want to take it to the next level, you could even create your own motion detection system with the Raspberry Pi 2 Cool Motion Sensor Webcam Tools to catch intruders 2 Cool Motion Sensor Webcam Tools to adjust to intruders Read more .

Automate household devices

The previous section is great, but motion detection can do much more than send alerts if you incorporate smart home technology into your home; specifically, you'll need a smart home hub. Which Smart Hub for home automation is best for you? Which Smart Hub for Home Automation is Best for You? For a while, people thought the idea was nothing more than a gimmick, but recent product launches have shown that smart home automation is starting to deliver on its promises. Read More

For example, maybe you are already using Dropcam Pro security camera. Dropcam Pro WiFi Monitoring System Review and Giveaway. Dropcam Pro WiFi Monitoring System Review and Giveaway. The Dropcam Pro is a small, WiFi-enabled security camera for personal use. We purchased this unit for our review. Read More Not too long ago, Dropcam became compatible with SmartThings Hub, and SmartThings Hub has a variety of peripheral products that can be controlled and automated by the Hub.

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

What does this mean for you? With the right setup, you can arrive home, thus triggering the Dropcam with your movement, and have that event trigger a bunch of events:turn on the lights, change the thermostat settings, turn on your computer, turn on the TV, etc.

If you don't have a security camera (and were thinking about getting one), you should know that you can accomplish the same thing by buying a SmartThings-compatible motion sensor, which is significantly cheaper than something like the Dropcam.

Again, you'll miss out on all the other cool things you can do in the rest of this article.

Live broadcast of social experiments

Anyone remember JenniCam from 1996 7 Old Internet Trends Affecting the Web Today 7 Old Internet Trends Affecting the Web Today, today's web might not look like the web of the 1990s, but you'd be surprised how much the same is actually when you dive below the surface. Read more ? The premise was simple:a 24/7 webcam that allowed anyone to tune in and peek into Jennifer Ringley's private life, which included everything from the mundane (eg dinner, homework) to the intimate (eg , sleep, dress)..

JenniCam is no more, but the premise lives on. For example, the International Space Station has a continuous live feed of its interior. But more relevant is, where real people have 24/7 feeds from their homes that anyone can watch.

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

If you're looking for a bit of exciting exhibitionism, this is certainly a viable way to use your security camera.

But if that's a bit too extreme for you, you can tone it down by leaving it off, except when you're hosting a social event or having guests over. Those who can't still can tune in via the Web and see what they're missing.

And now that YouTube can live stream How Recent YouTube Changes Will Affect You How Recent YouTube Changes Will Affect You You've probably been to YouTube. You have probably watched a lot of videos, you may even have uploaded some. Whatever your reason, you need to know about a couple of important updates. Read More

Documenting the details of your life

Most security cameras are used for security. (Surprising, I know.) But just because it's dubbed "security camera" doesn't mean you have to use it for safety. There's a lot you can do with an always-on camera besides catch thieves.

For example, use it to record your meals. Review the images once a day to see what you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How many snacks are you hiding? It's you currently eating as little or as much as you think you are?

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

Use your security camera to document your posture throughout the day. Log In to Life:Top 9 Tips to Fight Computer Fatigue and Protect Your Health Log In to Life:Top 9 Tips to Fight Computer Fatigue and Protect Your Health Did you know? Could it be killing you from the inside? Ryan has already made a case about the potential health risks of sitting too long, and for those of us who... Read More Do you have a bad laptop posture? Don't Break Your Back:5 Tips for Using a Laptop in Comfort Don't Break Your Back:5 Tips for Using a Laptop in Comfort Laptops are small, light and portable. They're also, in a strange twist of fate, often much more cumbersome than the bulky desks they replace. Being forced to place the screen, trackpad, and keyboard on... Read More

Or even better:leave it on overnight to track your sleep habits Sleep better and improve your health by changing the way you use your computer Sleep better and improve your health by changing the way you use your computer Working with computers should not be hard on your body. Simple changes that only cost you minutes each day can have a big impact. Here are some tools to help you. Read More

Other not-so-practical ideas include time-lapse shots as the seasons and weather change, or even documenting the evolution of your décor while living in your home.

Supervision of babies, children and pets

Instead of security, why not use your surveillance for monitoring?

A common use case would be for newborns and young children. You could go out and buy a special baby monitor, but they don't really offer anything special other than a few convenience features. If you have a security camera that allows remote viewing, that's all you need.

The same goes if you want to monitor activity on your lawn, in your backyard pool, or anywhere else. (Although in the case of a swimming pool, make sure an adult is present to assist in any possible accidents.)

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

But you can also use it to monitor off-limit areas. Let's say you've set a computer curfew for your kids. You could implement an automatic shutdown schedule 4 Tools to Manage and Control Windows Shutdown 4 Tools to Manage and Control Windows Shutdown Take back control over the Windows shutdown process! We show you lightweight tools to block, automate, record and speed up your computer's boot process. Read More School night, and not staying up all night streaming videos online? Read more…

...or you could use a night vision security camera to catch them in the act. Combine it with motion detection notifications as mentioned above and you'll always be on top. (Is it okay to spy on your kids? Should parents spy on their kids? [MUO Debates] Should parents spy on their kids? [MUO Debates] Do they spy on their kids? If so, why? no, why not? is the question at hand today. These are the questions we are going to explore in this discussion. Read More? Arguably yes.)

Insect and pest location

Gardening fascinates me. I don't have enough space or time to manage one of my own, but one day I will. The only thing that worries me, though, is that gardeners sometimes lose all their hard work to squirrels, raccoons, human thieves, and other pests.

And while a security camera won't be enough to avoid such annoyances, can definitely help you diagnose the problem - and thus prevent you from pulling your hair out while wondering what all your tomatoes eat. Or, using a camera with motion detection, you can set off an audible alarm that would scare those creatures away.

6 creative uses for wireless surveillance cameras in your home

Bugs are another big pest worth worrying about. I once woke up to a massive carpenter ant infestation in my living room. Immediate cleanup was easy, but for the next few weeks there was a constant drip of ant after ant after ant, and they usually came out at night.

Frustrating, to say the least, especially since I didn't know where they were coming from. If I had a security camera with night vision, I would have set it up while I slept, in a new place every night, to locate the source of those bugs.

More uses for your surveillance camera

This is by no means an exhaustive list. We've already covered several other ways to unlock the potential of your webcam. Bet you didn't know your webcam could do this! 5 Tips to Help You Use Your Full Potential Bet you didn't know your webcam could do this! 5 tips to help you use your full potential Are you the kind of person who covers your webcam with a sticker, so no one can spy on it? Almost all devices are now equipped with at least one camera. They make virtual meetings a... Read More

And I'm sure there are even More Creative ideas out there. Tell us! Are you using your security cameras for unusual purposes? We'd love to know! The comments are down there, so don't be shy.