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The health benefits of houseplants

Recent months have shown that a house can be much more than just living and sleeping space. In a very short time, your own four walls were transformed into a home office, fitness studio, pub and spa. Houseplants are the main constant because they have a positive influence – regardless of their function. They provide better indoor air and comfort in the living space, increase well-being and enrich our lives.

Stress relievers, health boosters and natural strength donors – we're not talking about superheroes, we're talking about the positive qualities of houseplants. They are real all-rounders. They provide fresh air, absorb sound, bring in a piece of nature and really make it a home.

Many specimens are also very easy to care for, requiring only water and fertilizer at regular intervals and a larger pot every few years. A few minutes of plant care per week is immediately rewarded - with vigorous growth, an increasing feel-good factor and numerous benefits for mental and physical health. Houseplants have a stress-relieving effect and bring life into balance by helping you focus on the important things in life.

Houseplants:driving force for a healthy and relaxed environment

Health booster

Plants provide energy for body and mind. They have been proven to help improve the indoor climate. Tired or listless? Then it is best to get a golden palm, calla or Sansevieria. These absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the air and give off oxygen. This is especially important in the bedroom to allow for sound sleep.

Goodbye stress

If you spend a lot of time at home, it's important to create a place to retreat to—a place to relax and take a deep breath. Plants actively help to reduce stress and calm the nervous system. This gives a green energy boost while working at home and helps to switch off after work. Bromeliad, aloe vera and orchid have been shown to have a calming effect.

Draw new power

There is no better way to feel connected to nature than by caring for a plant and watching it grow. Plants support the return to the essence, our origin. From this you can draw strength and new energy to be creative and productive again. An additional plus:working with your hands, when watering or repotting, clears your head and has a meditative effect.

(Don't worry -) plant happiness

Your own mental health is the most important thing, the immediate environment plays a role in this. Researchers from the UK found in an 18-year study that people who live in a green environment are happier. In short:plants spread happiness and have a positive effect on our mood. Orchid and Sansevieria are two great mood boosters that will help you start the day on a positive note.