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How to ask Alexa questions in your browser (even if you don't have an echo)

Having Alexa handy around the house is great for asking about the weather, adding items to your tasks and shopping lists, controlling your TV. Now You Can Control Dish TV Using Amazon Alexa Now You Can Control Dish TV Using Amazon Alexa The Dish Network has launched a new Alexa skill that allows you to control your DVR using nothing more than your voice. But is this enough to stop the cable cutting? Read More , this new feature will change your life Never before has it been so easy to cook with a recipe! Read more in the kitchen. But you don't even have to be in range of Alexa (or even own an Echo) to ask her questions. Do it from your browser!

Anyone can use the official Alexa skill testing tool, designed for people who are developing skills you can use with the Echo. You don't have to be a developer working on an app. All you need is an Amazon account.

After logging in to the site with your Amazon credentials and giving your account (and your computer's microphone) access to the site, you can start asking all the questions you'd ask Alexa. Use the space bar or click the microphone button and be sure to hold until you've finished asking your question.

How to ask Alexa questions in your browser (even if you don t have an echo)

Alexa will respond just like she does on the Echo, and if you already own a device, any questions she asks will be saved to your device's history.

Since this site is all about testing skills, you can also set up skills to use from your browser, but you'll need to download the Amazon Echo app on your phone or tablet to set them up. Not all abilities will work as expected. The AllRecipes ability, for example, didn't work as expected, and you'd have to hold down space to keep interacting with the Echo for it to not be incredibly useful.

You can also use the site to remotely turn on or off any smart home devices you've connected to your Echo. If nothing else, this is a great way to try out the Amazon Echo to decide if you want to buy one.

What do you think of the Amazon Echo? Can't live without it or another unnecessary piece of technology? Let us know in the comments.