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How much of your personal data could smart devices track?

Despite the growing number of benefits smart technologies bring 6 Types of Home Automation You Can Really Afford 6 Types of Home Automation You Can Really Afford Are you ready to join the smart home revolution but worried you're beyond your budget? Smart homes aren't that expensive, and there are plenty of components the average homeowner can afford. Read More And while we love the idea of ​​a smart home, this is just one of many things to consider before diving into I Lived in a Smart Home for 20 Years. This is what you should know. I lived in a smart home for 20 years. This is what you should know. MakeUseOf spoke to one of our regular readers and commenters, Ben Stutt, from Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA, about his experiences living in a smart home. Read more.

The truth is, smart devices may not be as secure as advertised Home security systems may not be as secure as you think Home security systems may not be as secure as you think Here we take a look at some of the most notable smart home security hacks - Exploring what happened and why it happened. Read More The Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) may not be all it's cracked up to be. In fact, there are some smart devices that you may not want to connect to the web. Read more . If you allow them to track your data, who knows how it could be used against you.

For example, did you know that police officers in 2014 accessed and used images of smart homes in legal proceedings? We need to be careful what our smart devices actually know about us, or else we could be blindsided by even worse situations.

Video recordings of household activity

One of the most obvious issues in security is video, which is ironic because security-related devices tend to make the most use of video technology. And to be fair, there are a number of benefits to using home surveillance cameras. 6 Creative Uses for Wireless Surveillance Cameras in Your Home. 6 Creative Uses for Wireless Surveillance Cameras in Your Home. Security cameras are useful for more than just surveillance. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can improve your quality of life with these unusual ideas for your security cameras. Read more.

But there are also many dangers. For example, an outdoor security camera with Internet connectivity is useful because you can check it anytime, anywhere, but if an online hacker managed to listen to the video, he could figure out where you live. 5 Dangers To Watch Out For When Pointing Your Home Security Cameras 5 Dangers To Watch Out For When Pointing Your Home Security Cameras It's important to carefully consider where you place your cameras and what parts of your home you point them at. Keeping things secure is important, but so is keeping your privacy. Read more.

Or worse, someone could inadvertently spy on you due to a glitch in the system that swaps your video feed with someone else's information, as was the case in this Skybell horror story on Reddit.

And if that's not bad enough, video recordings are arguably scarier than streaming video. Surveillance cameras usually record and store footage so you can review it later if needed, but smart services are moving to the cloud, which means companies aren't the ones with these videos.

It's unsettling to think that someone else might have a video file of you and your family in your living room. Taken to the extreme, as shown in the tweet above, companies could even one day blackmail and extort users. Sextortion has evolved and is scarier than ever. Sextortion has evolved and is scarier than ever. And now it's even more intimidating thanks to social networks like Facebook. What can you do to protect yourself from these sleazy cybercriminals? Read More

Their living room conversations

In terms of privacy, microphones are scarier than video cameras for two reasons:first, they can pick up sound from any direction instead of having to point it at a specific location, and second, it's more likely to be in the presence of a Microphone than a video camera at a given moment..

And if you're within range of a microphone, you can resume your conversations, even if you think the microphone is off.

In 2013, it was announced that all new Android smartphones would be equipped with an open microphone feature that is always listening so you can identify them. “Okay Google” voice commands 8 Google Navigation Voice Tricks You Never Knew 8 Google Navigation Voice Tricks You Never Knew With “OK Google” enabled, you'll never have to touch Google Maps again. These voice tricks will make sure of that! Read More That same feature came to iPhones in 2015, similarly always listening. “Hey Siri” voice commands.

For smart home users, however, this "always listening" feature is more prominent on the Amazon Echo's personal assistant. How Amazon can make your home a smart home. How Amazon can make your home a smart home. Smart home technology is still in its infancy, but a new product from Amazon called the "Echo" may help bring it into the mainstream. Read More Your Smart TV is watching you, and it's not the only one! Do Vizio Smart TVs capture information about you and transmit it to Vizio without telling you about it? And if so, is this something you should be concerned about? Read More Samsung even warned users about this in early 2015.

To be clear, we're not saying these devices are recording everything you say. We're just saying that the technology to do so already exists, and if we're not careful, these smart devices could make it possible for someone to eavesdrop on private matters.

Your media consumption habits

Between Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Netflix vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which one should you choose? Netflix vs. Hulu vs. Amazon Prime:Which one should you choose? It's been years since we've compared the big-hit streaming services Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. And with changes in pricing, content, quality, and interface, we thought it was time to take a fresh look. Read More The true cost of cutting the cord considering canceling the cord? The True Cost of Cutting Cord When you add everything up, do you really save money by cutting cord? We do the necessary calculations to cancel the cable in favor of Internet services. Read more . And when it comes to smart living in the 21st century, anyone without a streaming media device. The 8 best devices to stream movies to your TV. The 8 best devices to stream movies to your TV. your TV, and deciding which way is right for you can be overwhelming. Let us help you explore what is currently available. Read More

How much of your personal data could smart devices track?

But here's the cool thing:Until recently, TV networks never really knew what you were watching. Rather, television ratings and viewership numbers were calculated using Nielsen's survey method. How Nielsen ratings determine what you watch on TV. How Nielsen Ratings Determine What You Watch on TV Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. What do these shows have in common? Read More

Now that we stream directly from services like Netflix and Hulu, companies can know the exact numbers, and this means that our TV and movie viewing habits can be easily tracked. Combine that with cookies that track our web habits. What is a cookie and what does it have to do with my privacy? [MakeUseOf Explains] What is a cookie and what does it have to do with my privacy? [MakeUseOf Explains] Most people know that there are cookies scattered all over the Internet, ready and willing to be devoured by whoever can find them first. Hope for? That can't be right. Yes, there are cookies... Read More

How often are you away from home?

One thing that makes smart home automation so useful is the ability to integrate devices with their real-time location. For example, it's trivial enough that the lights turn on the moment you get home. 9 IFTTT Tricks to Make Your Life 100x Easier. what. Here are some quick IFTTT smartphone hacks that can ease the stress of everyday life. Read More LED bulbs could be the difference between a home robbery and peace of mind? It sounds weird, but it's true. Read more.

This is made possible by the always-on GPS location feature How to use GPS location to make your house welcome you home How to use GPS location to make your house welcome you home Set up your GPS technologies to Welcoming you home is a great way to save time on everything from turning on the air conditioner to starting dinner. Read More And even if you don't use the true GPS location feature, your position can still be extrapolated using mobile and Wi-Fi data.

How much of your personal data could smart devices track?

Some smart devices can use this data to learn about your travel patterns. When are you usually home? When are you usually away from home? A device like the Nest Learning Thermostat 7 Nest automation tricks to cut your heating bill in half 7 Nest automation tricks to cut your heating bill in half If there was a Nest thermostat in every home, it would have the biggest impact in energy consumption in history; And it could save you more money than you can imagine. That is how. Read More GPS.

If a hacker/thief got hold of this information, they would be able to deduce times when you would likely be away from home and use that opportunity to break in. Or if you're ever suspected of a crime, the data can either acquit or incriminate you.

Your fitness and health habits

Physical activity is another area where smart devices are becoming big, especially devices that fall into the category of wearable technology. And, unsurprisingly, portable devices have their own security threats. How to Stop Your Portable Hardware and Become a Security Threat How to Stop Your Portable Hardware and Become a Security Threat Read more about what to worry about.

Some devices, along with apps, can record your running routes. 6 Android Apps Every Hiker Needs 6 Android Apps Every Hiker Needs How can your Android device enhance your next hiking trip? These six apps can challenge you, help you explore, and provide incredibly useful information. Read more . Other gadgets, like the Jawbone UP3, can track your dietary routines The 8 Best Fitness Gadgets To Help You Get Fit The 8 Best Fitness Gadgets To Help You Get Fit With the ever-increasing emergence of wearable technology, the Internet of smart things and gadgets, it's now easier than ever to get fit. Read more . There are even devices that can learn your medication needs and remind you when your next dose is up.

In most cases, it wouldn't be the end of the world if this data were leaked, but that doesn't mean it's nice either.

The sad thing is that fitness sensors can improve your workouts How to get your best workout using fitness sensors How to get your best workout using fitness sensors There are many devices and apps that will help you exercise and stay healthy. Here are some of the latest innovations in the area of ​​fitness sensors. Read More Can wearable health devices really make you healthier? Can wearable health devices really make you healthier? Despite the number of wearable health devices set to reach 170 million in 2017, there is still no scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness. But it is too early to lose hope. Read more . But as long as privacy remains an issue, most people should probably stay away from these devices.

Data files on drives and devices

When it comes to security, smart TVs don't have a good reputation. Smart TVs have a growing security risk:how to deal with this? Smart TVs are a growing security risk:How to deal with this? Imagine being hacked through your smart TV. It sounds silly and mundane, but it can be quite serious. This is what you need to know. Read more . Cameras, malware infections, and unauthorized data collection have all happened at one time or another. Think about that the next time you plug a USB drive into your smart TV.

How much of your personal data could smart devices track?

The bottom line here is that you should be careful with any data storage or reading device that has internet connectivity. Smart TVs are a scapegoat, but other devices like wireless hard drives Wireless Hard Drives:How They Work and What Features Matter Wireless Hard Drives:How They Work and What Features Matter Wireless hard drives are the future of external storage, but their features and specifications are the most important when buying one? Read More

Your user accounts and passwords

At the end of the day, smart devices know a lot about you, much more than you probably think. This is especially true if your smart devices are integrated with things like your email accounts, bank accounts, and credit card numbers.

For example, smart credit cards allow you to consolidate all of your individual cards onto one card. What are smart credit cards and how do they work? What are smart credit cards and how do they work? Tired of juggling half a dozen credit and debit cards in your wallet? I know who I am. Read More Or what about IFTTT, which many people use to integrate smart devices? 5 More Ways To Use IFTTT To Save Money (And Time) At Home 5 More Ways To Use IFTTT To Save Money (And Time) At Home Anyone can create their own IFTTT recipes, and many of them can be used to put extra money in your pocket. Read More

This is not a new risk; services like Mint require you to trust enough to enter bank account details, but it's still very real.

What problems scare you the most?

We're not trying to scare you away from smart home automation. In fact, we really like it and can't wait to see how the Internet of Things will continue to evolve. The Internet of Things:How your life will change in the next year. The Internet of Things:how it will change your life. Next year, the Internet of Things has undergone its own Cambrian explosion, and it promises to make your life much more comfortable for years to come. This is why. Read more . Our goal here is to raise awareness of potential current issues like the ones listed above.

If you are still interested in the smart home stuff, remember that a smart home is cheaper than you think. How much does a smart home really cost? How much does a smart home really cost? A smart home could change your life, freeing up time in your day and regulating your routine so you don't have to remember what needs to be done. But how expensive is it, really? Read More Is your home energy efficient? 7 things you've overlooked Is your home energy efficient? 7 things you've overlooked The true cost of a smart home is much cheaper than you think. In fact, there are many home automation devices that everyone can afford, and many of them will be featured in this article. Read More Installing these smart devices can increase the value of your home. La instalación de estos dispositivos inteligentes puede aumentar el valor de su hogar. Usted agrega esos pocos miles de dólares adicionales a su precio de venta. Read more . Vale la pena mirar.

Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de datos personales que se pueden rastrear, ¿cuál de las cosas de este artículo le molesta más? ¿Te apaga por completo de los dispositivos inteligentes? Comparte tus pensamientos con nosotros a continuación!