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Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

With more than 3.3 million fitness bands sold between 2013 and 2014, these devices are quickly becoming one of the most common health devices. The 8 best fitness devices to help you get in shape. The 8 best fitness devices to help you get in shape. With the advent of wearable technology, the Internet of Things, and smart devices, it's now easier than ever to get fit. Read More This makes it one of the most convenient devices to use as your first step toward building what many people would consider a "smart home."

Fitbit dominates the fitness band market at 67% of all sales. This means that more homes than ever before have residents using the Fitbit band. Even President Obama was seen sporting a Fitbit Surge!

Combine the popularity of Fitbit with the fact that IFTTT now offers a dedicated Fitbit channel, Fitbit is an ideal device for experimenting with automating your life and home in ways you've probably never considered.

Building your Fitbit smart home

When many people think of the term. “smart home”, think of a futuristic home with lots of smart lights Light up your home smartly With Philips Hue Light up your home smartly With Philips Hue If you can afford the up front, you won't find better support and more users. Friendly intelligent lighting system in the market. Read More be amazed at how many little tricks you can pull off with your new Nest Thermostat! Read more . The reality is that you can really start automating your life with simple gadgets that you may already have in your home right now, like a smart TV, your smartphone or tablet, your computer, low-cost smart gadgets under $100 6 Types of Home Automation You Can Actually Afford 6 Types of Home Automation You Can Really Afford Are you ready to join the smart home revolution but worried it's beyond your budget? Smart homes aren't that expensive, and there are plenty of components the average homeowner can afford. Read More

If You Have an IFTTT Account The Ultimate Guide to IFTTT:Use the Web's Most Powerful Tool Like a Pro The Ultimate Guide to IFTTT:Use the Web's Most Powerful Tool Like a Pro If this is you, aka IFTTT is a free web-based service. so your apps and devices work together. Not sure how to build your applet? Follow along with this guide. Read More bargains and fitness fanatics listen up. IFTTT has been thinking of you lately and has been creating channels for eBay and Fitbit to let you automate those hunting and gym skills. Read more.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

Once you've registered your Fitbit with your IFTTT account, you're ready to go. You can set up any of the following automations with your Fitbit, or choose from the list of additional prepared IFTTT recipes How to Create Your Own IFTTT Recipes to Automate Your Favorite Sites and Information Sources How to Create Your Own IFTTT Recipes to Automate Your Favorite Sites and information sources There are some web services that can be considered "invaluable" and IFTTT is one of them. The service, which stands for "if this is so," has the power to automate common tasks and helps... Read More at the end of this article.

Call your smartphone if you sleep too long

One of the most frustrating things about having a heavy sleep is when my alarm clock Timely For Android - a beautiful, powerful and elegant alarm clock. Fittingly for Android - a beautiful, powerful and stylish alarm clock, whatever alarm clock you are using. It's uglier than Timely. That's a bold statement to make, I know. But I've been using Gentle Alarm, one of the most powerful and versatile alarm clocks for Android, because... Read More It might go off for three or four snooze cycles, and then I can literally turn the ringer off and go back to sleep, not waking up until much later than I intended. For years, getting up on time was a constant battle I had with myself.

If this sounds like you, then you'll appreciate the sleep settings available on the Fitbit IFTTT channel as much as I did. You can create a trigger in IFTTT that fires after you've slept for a certain number of hours.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

Choose the Sleep duration above option, and type a number in the Target Hours field that is slightly beyond the typical number of hours you sleep each night before your alarm goes off.

So if you usually go to bed at 10 PM and your alarm goes off at 6 AM, then that's 8 hours. If all goes well, you should be awake within eight hours, but you can set a “panic.” The alarm goes off if your Fitbit recognizes that you've been sleeping for 8.5 hours.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

Once you've created this trigger, you can then create an action for IFTTT to call your smartphone and wake it up. To set up a call trigger, choose the “Phone Call” Alert Tool from the list of selections.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

Next, you can type the message you want the system to tell you when you call after you've fallen asleep. Make sure the message is severe enough that you actually realize you've fallen asleep and need to get out of bed!

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

This last phone call has saved me more times than I could count; in one case, even saving me from missing a presentation I was due to give at a major conference!

Dealing with sleep deprivation

Just like falling asleep, not getting enough sleep can also be a major problem. Fortunately, there's another IFTTT trigger that you can set to go off when you haven't gotten enough sleep.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

You can use this trigger to automate all kinds of things that will improve your life. For example, in the IFTTT library, you'll find a recipe for activating the Belkin WeMo Insight switch connected to your coffee maker.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

You may not need coffee every morning, but when you haven't had much sleep, it's nice to have that hot coffee ready and waiting for you in the morning.

Another smart action based on Fitbit's sleep deprivation trigger the night before is to automatically create a reminder on your Google calendar How to Sync Google Calendar with All Other Platforms How to Sync Google Calendar with Any Other Platform Google Calendar Google is possibly the easiest, most intuitive and versatile way to organize your day. The only problem that users commonly encounter is syncing it with their devices. Read More

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

The Action recipe allows you to embed ingredients from your Fitbit, so you can set the reminder on the day you woke up and set the event reminder for the time you want to go to sleep. If your Google Calendar is set to push notifications to your smartphone, you'll get an instant reminder that you need to go to bed and catch up on your beautiful sleep.

Another method to avoid falling asleep is to use the Fitbit sleep duration trigger above to turn on your Philips Hue bulbs when you've had enough sleep and want to wake up.

In the IFTTT recipe library, you will also find a ready-made recipe for this action!

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

There are few things that do a better job of waking people up than bright lights (or flashing lights!)

Automate the encouragement for your goals

One of the most useful Fitbit triggers you'll find on IFTTT is the daily goal trigger. What's great about this is that it allows you to select a specific goal that you're tracking with your Fitbit and the exact time of day you want to reach that goal, or trigger an action to have it performed.

The list of goals depends on the goals you have enabled on your Fitbit account.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

These goals just require a little creativity, and a few very inexpensive outlet switches from WeMo or SmartThings, to turn on and off the devices in your home that encourage you to reach those goals. The key here is that you set a specific time of day for each goal, and this will be the time when all the resulting actions that you configure will take place.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

You can use another preconfigured IFTTT recipe to do this for each device you want to activate.

Connect your Fitbit Tracker and IFTTT to automate your home and life

You'll need to create individual recipes for all the devices you want to turn on and off. Here are some ideas on the different ways you can use this recipe to ensure you reach your goals at the end of the day.

  • Si las calorías quemadas están por debajo de su meta antes de las 4 pm, envíe un SMS pidiéndole a su esposa o esposo que le prepare una cena baja en calorías si es posible.
  • Si la Distancia cubierta está por debajo de su objetivo antes de las 4 pm, haga que WeMo encienda su máquina para correr para encenderla y la de su televisor para apagarla..
  • Si su Minutes Active está dentro de su meta antes del mediodía y trabaja en su casa, haga que el interruptor WeMo apague el monitor de su computadora y encienda sus Philips Hue Lights 8 Aplicaciones fabulosas para Philips Hue Lights 8 Aplicaciones Fabulous para Philips Hue Lights El sistema Philips Hue tiene su propia aplicación, pero ¿por qué conformarse con el valor predeterminado cuando hay tantas opciones más interesantes? Estas 8 aplicaciones te dan opciones fabulosas para algunos efectos realmente geniales. Leer más para recordarte a dar un paseo..

De hecho, si ha comprado unos cuantos conmutadores WeMo (aproximadamente $ 49.99 cada uno) o un kit de inicio Philips Hue (aproximadamente $ 190), las posibilidades de automatizar todo tipo de dispositivos (o hacer recordatorios y celebraciones con luces) están realmente limitadas solo por tu imaginación.

Otras recetas de IFTTT para su Fitbit

Ya sea que esté buscando automatizar su hogar o su vida, hay todo tipo de recetas geniales que la gente ya ha creado en IFTTT y que puede usar. Éstos son algunos de los mejores.

  • Recoge automáticamente tu resumen diario de Fitbit en Google Spreadsheets
  • Obtenga sus registros de sueño Fitbit como un resumen semanal todos los domingos por correo electrónico.
  • Actualice su registro de peso Fitbit con una escala de Withings.
  • Cuando logres los objetivos, automáticamente Tweet o enviar una publicación de Facebook.
  • Envíe un resumen diario a OneNote para seguir de cerca su progreso físico.
  • ¿Como dormirse con la luz encendida? Deja que Fitbit apague tus luces después de que te hayas dormido..
  • Envía mensajes de texto automáticamente a su entrenador personal cuando no haya alcanzado los objetivos diarios..

Mucha gente piensa que un Fitbit se limita a las funciones y notificaciones que puede configurar en su perfil de Fitbit, pero como puede ver, IFTTT amplía la funcionalidad de esa pequeña banda de acondicionamiento físico a un nivel completamente nuevo..

¿Viste alguna automatización genial que vas a probar con tu Fitbit? ¿Hay alguna otra genial que haya usado y que quiera compartir con nosotros? Vamos a hablar de ellos en la sección de comentarios a continuación.!