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Light in your garden:5 ideas for outdoor lighting

With atmospheric and cozy outdoor lighting you get the best out of your garden. These are five ideas for light in your garden:

1. Use lanterns
Lanterns are perfect outdoor lighting. They can be grouped on patios for a cozy setting, they can form light paths to direct guests to the dining table or provide an intimate atmosphere. Lanterns also protect the candles from the wind, making them a better option than candle holders. Look for lanterns that are suitable for outdoor use and can ideally be left outside all year round.

2. Get a festive feeling with string lights
Light hoses are a fantastic addition to any garden and are loved for the festive feeling they give. They're especially pretty when she's zigzagging you over a seating or dining area. If you don't have anything to attach the lights to, you can also use poles to hang them from. You can also use them in other places in your garden, such as around a fence. Just as beautiful!

3. Wall lamps Wall lamps are useful to be able to see certain places in the garden, such as the garden path. By attaching these to the outside walls of your house in different places, you have good light in important places.

4. The terrace
You can place a fixed lamppost on the terrace or place lower lamps along the terrace in the garden. Another option is a flower pot with LEDs in it. This way you can enjoy your plants on the terrace both during the day and in the evening. In addition, your terrace is beautifully lit at night.

5. Illuminate beautiful places in the garden
Make sure that the most beautiful elements in your garden are in the spotlight. Think carefully composed flower beds, water features and sculptures. Spotlights or strategically placed and up- and downlights bring your garden to life when it gets dark.