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Mulberry plane tree, how to prune it, it has the shape of a weeping willow!

The garden question of the month:mulberry tree, how to prune it

Hello, we have a mulberry tree of about 2.50 m. This year the mulberry tree has extended its branches a lot and has given a lot of blackberries. The problem is that the branches are so long that they sag and crack at the base under the weight. It is shaped like a weeping willow. I do not know what to do. Prune or leave it to nature. Finally, it is attacked by scale insects. We can't get rid of it. It is the first tree planted with our children, so it is important on our land. Thank you for your help. Natasha.

My answer on pruning the plane tree mulberry

There are indeed several solutions, let the tree grow as it pleases and take its natural shape , knowing that each plant has its own structure. Not all trees develop the same way.
The other solution is to wait until the leaves have completely fallen , to cut the branches that bother you and leave the rest .

Most plane tree mulberries are pruned drastically, which for me is a real massacre and a lack of respect for the tree. What is more cultural than cultural is to cut all the thin branches and cut the other branches to 50 cm. This is what you see everywhere and which I disagree with.
For more details, I invite you to read my precise advice and photos of the pruning of the plane tree mulberry.

You have my point of view, I let you choose, the first solution being, in my opinion, the best.

For scale insects, do an oil-based winter treatment (of paraffin or rapeseed oil) that you will find in garden centres. To be sprayed on all the wood when the leaves have fallen.

Mulberry plane tree, how to prune it, it has the shape of a weeping willow!

Plane mulberry before pruning