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frozen rosemary

Question from a user:My rosemary frozen who was all dead rises! maybe it's the miracle of Easter? but what do I do now, do I cut everything or just remove the dead leaves? he is 15 years old my rosemary.
So much the better if the rosemary resumes. Many evergreens have been cold this winter and their leaves are dry now. Do not rush to cut everything. A frozen rosemary is not necessarily dead, and so are many plants that look "fried" at the end of winter.
In the case of this rosemary, which is shedding new leaves on the branches still alive, observation must be meticulous. Cutting everything to make it start again from the base is too risky for the moment. Let it regain strength and foliage . In the course of summer, the branches that do not have green leaves will never come back. The pruner will do its job. For now, if you are bothered by the sight of the dry foliage of the Roman, you can use your hand (and a glove) to knock off as many leaves as possible. But be careful with cutting the twigs, the recovery is slow, let nature take its course.

frozen rosemary

frozen rosemary

frozen rosemary
