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Ste Catherine Plantations

Here is November and its plantations of Ste Catherine and the following days.

Nature is at rest and as the ancients did before the era of the container, bare root plantations can start. Why ? Because nature is at rest, the leaves have fallen. Which shows that these are the deciduous plants that are transplanted at this time. For the persistent ones, it will be necessary to wait until spring to optimize the recovery.

What is a bare root plant?

A tree or shrub where you can see the roots with no soil around it, unlike container plants where you see a root ball. (Don't go banging the root ball of container plants to knock the soil out!)

The benefit?

The price of course, and the abundance of roots, especially for trees. Imagine the size of the container if you had to put all the roots in a pot. This is done for planting out of season (between March and October), but apart from the additional cost, handling this kind of plant is difficult because of the weight of the whole thing.


The praline. Another practice of the ancients who soaked the roots of trees in a mixture of water, clay soil and cow dung to promote rooting. As the third ingredient has been less common lately in our towns, you will find pralin in good garden outlets. , ready to use and easier to use.

So, everyone on the plantation start line, Catherine will lower the flag! Oh, I see some who left before…

Tips + :

  • recut slightly the end of the roots
  • do not bury the graft point
  • place the stake before filling the hole
  • put the fertilization (compost, crushed horn, etc.) in the first 10 cm , not lower
  • water the plantation plentifully
  • finish the filling after compaction of the soil by watering . (and not by jumping on it with both feet!)

Ste Catherine Plantations Ste Catherine Plantations