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Garden-related ideas to make Father's Day fun

Don't worry, today we're going to give you a whole bunch of cool ideas! Obviously related to gardening. So to help you better identify the type of gift you could make, we are going to separate dads into several categories, you will see, you will recognize yours at first glance, guaranteed!

A different gift for enthusiasts or the uninitiated:

Your dad says, "I don't have time to garden"
The cult replica of very busy and overworked fathers. However, you have to tell yourself that if he tells you that, it is because he also needs to decompress during his rare moments of rest. So why not give him an easy-to-maintain plant that will provide him with the oxygen he so badly needs. We can recommend a ficus for example, a plant that has a decorative function above all, which will bring life to a room and which will require very little daily maintenance. You can also offer him a small fruit tree. By taking good care of it, your father will be able to reap the fruits of his harvest a few months or years later, so why not give him a gift of a cherry tree, a beautiful apple tree or a fig tree?

Your dad says, “I would like to do it, but I only have a balcony”
City dads also have the right to enjoy gardening. So if they want to start gardening on the balcony, you could offer them a little guide. Let me explain, there are many books on gardening today, and some focus only on this very particular type of space. However, if you are thinking of offering him equipment or plants directly, nothing prevents you from reading the various advice given on the internet, on this blog or by leafing through these little books. You will find more easily what type of containers, plants, vegetables or equipment you need to get started in this type of gardening!

Your dad says, "I have space, but I don't know how to do it or where to start"
Has your dad just bought a house, recently retired, or just discovered a recent interest in gardening? Why not get her a book on landscaping? There he will discover the different techniques to prepare and start planting in his vast garden. Some specialize in flowers, others in planting trees or creating vegetable gardens. Choose one that covers all these areas, with precise gardening advice, detailed and accessible diagrams. Many books are aimed at beginners!

Your dad says, “Have you seen the last one, silence is growing? I have my technique, it works better. And then I didn't tell you, this weekend, we're competing for the most beautiful garden, we have our chances!"
So there is no doubt, your father must be a real enthusiast. You will have to play it very carefully and not offer it poor quality material or plants. In order to avoid the diplomatic incident or the embarrassed smile of your dad, try to see what he misses in his garden, or to inform you discreetly about what would be useful to him. In the worst case, you can always tell your mother what he needs. She must know well, what is missing in such a beautiful garden. The last solution that we can offer you for this type of situation is to offer a voucher to your father. Take it to a garden center near his home. When he needs tools, seeds or anything else for his green space, he will have the opportunity to walk away with them for free, thanks to your gift! It is a gift that is always appreciated and very useful.