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One in three Dutch people appreciate being at home more thanks to lockdown

Despite the fact that the Dutch are obliged to stay at home more than ever this year, more than three quarters (78%) are looking forward to coming home. In fact, a third (32%) has come to appreciate being at home even more because of the lockdown. This is apparent from research by Luxaflex. What is needed for a real home feeling?

Privacy and Security The research shows that the Dutch find it especially important that they feel safe and have privacy. Almost half (45%) indicate that security is one of the most important conditions for feeling at home somewhere, and a third indicate that privacy is an aspect they attach great importance to.

Men experience a sense of home through the internet and electronics
What do men and women value most for the ultimate home feeling? Remarkably, several aspects are mentioned. For example, the feeling of safety is slightly more important for women (49%) than for men (41%), while men attach more value to the internet and electronics (43%).

Interior for women slightly more important The interior also plays a role in creating a feeling of home. For men, a comfortable interior (31%) appears to be especially important, while style plays a smaller role (21%). Women attach slightly more value to both comfort (35%) and interior style (31%).

Nice outdoor space, lots of light and personal items
The other properties of a house also play a role in our feeling of home. For the Dutch, for example, the surroundings of the house (24%), a nice outdoor space (24%), lots of light (22%) and personal items such as photos and art (19%) are important. What the building itself looks like – whether it is new construction or a characteristic house – is the least determining factor for the feeling of home.