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Pinterest:what will be the major decoration trends of 2019?

Home decor is perhaps THE most searched area on Pinterest, as the numbers show. 80% of users – there are 250 million of them who visit the network every month! – consult it to find ideas for DIY projects and 60% for ideas related to large-scale projects, such as renovation work, interior design, etc. For an idea to become a real trend, it must be more and more sought after each month and its growth must remain flat or on the rise for more than six months. Here are the top 10, which promises to punctuate the year 2019. Something to inspire you if you want to change two or three things in the house!

Repainting his tiles

No need to break the tiling to replace it with parquet:we give it a facelift by repainting it with bright colors or giving it a mosaic look in the era of time. We already love vinyl rugs in this style! (+ 1276% for the search “painted tiles”).

Geometric patterns

They bring an undeniable touch of modernity to bedrooms or living rooms, especially when painted on a single section of wall. And here again, color takes precedence (+225% of searches)!

Fabric decorations

Textile now covers the walls, creating a contrast of textures that can be very interesting in the same room. Textile art is also very useful for sprucing up aging furniture:you cut, size and sew on old cushions for a beautiful, fresh result (+ 1718% research).

Mustard yellow

The shade has been on the rise for a while, but 2019 will be marked by more audacity:why not repaint an entire wall in this warm color? For those who prefer to take it easy, we opt for curtains, a large rug or even a sofa – yes, you still have to dare a little (+45% searches)!

Vertical greenery

The desire to reconnect with nature is expressed even in the home. Plants bring a touch of Zen to a room, so we understand that more and more people want to extend their presence through vertical gardens. Floor-to-ceiling greenery, why not (+287% searches)

Sheet metal

It brings a vintage and also industrial side, which, we don't tell you, has been popular for several years now. We opt for a wall covering or, more wisely, for a wallpaper that imitates the metallic material (+563% of searches).

The wallpaper

Considered old-fashioned for a time, it is making a comeback and winning over the public with its original, tropical or colorful patterns, for example. Enough to brighten up a room in two steps, three movements (+401% of searches)!

Cacti in groups

One cactus is good, several are better! Succulents, when they are smaller and arranged next to each other on a piece of furniture, bring a certain elegance to a corner of the room (+235% of searches).

The fireplace

Has she ever ceased to be popular? It is an essential asset in a living room, which warms the bodies but especially the hearts. In 2019, it wants to be refined and modern (+ 763% of searches).

The natural swimming pool

No more artificial turquoise color, the natural pool is green and does not sting the eyes. It guarantees the rustic touch to an exterior that we imagine provided with trees and flowers (+262% of searches).

You know everything… Do any of these trends speak to you more than another? Better yet, do you plan to take the plunge next year?