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Storage:discover the 4 main principles of the famous KonMari method

If you are a fan of storage, does the name Marie Kondo mean something to you? This young Japanese woman has indeed been made famous thanks to her bestseller, The Magic of Tidying Up , which presents itself as an innovative approach to storage. According to her, tidying up your interior can change our life and even our way of thinking. The Marie Kondo method is simple, easy to access, and suitable for everyone. With this structured storage method, even the most messy manage to live in an organized and inviting home.

Marie Kondo, the storage guru!

The one who started tidying up at the age of 5 is now a storage consultant in Tokyo , where she explains her method (it takes three months to wait for an appointment with her!). Recognized worldwide, the 36-year-old even appeared in Time Magazine's 2015 ranking of the 100 most influential personalities. In January 2019, Netflix even offered him a place of choice in its catalog with Tydying up, a documentary series to binge-watch without delay.