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After a year, the curtains are finally hanging on the window!

We have lived here for over a year now. And it's not that we haven't done some work yet, we've actually already done quite a bit. But I still had no idea what kind of curtains I wanted for the black window frames. So we have been using the curtains from the previous occupant for a year now. I also have a number of requirements for new curtains, so I would like to tell you how we arrived at our choice. What considerations did we make before I ordered the window coverings and why. Want to know more about our choices? Read along!

As you can see above, we have already made some steps. I painted the brown window frames black, we hung other curtains and I did the window sills. Looks a bit tighter now.

Table of contents

Which curtains for black frames? The quest.

Frank always shouts that I am 'continuously' changing in the house. And personally I think I do that more than the average woman. I just love interior design and everything that has to do with it. And I like many styles. But I actually thought that with that 'continue' it was not that bad, until I went to look at what type of window coverings I actually already had. Not in this house by the way, because we only have our pleated curtains hanging here after a year. Finally! I'll tell you how we came to choose these curtains for our black frames this time.

Fine window coverings for the cats

Our cats are one of the important reasons for going for the pleated blinds with our black frames. Or at least the mother cat. We had very nice black blinds in our previous house. A luxurious wooden variant, blinds made of bamboo, with a narrow band. I was super happy with it, but unfortunately Lynx less so. She squeezed through the blinds almost every day to see outside. I was therefore always afraid that they would break and they were too expensive for me. And unlearn something like that from your cat? That is only for people who can keep an eye on their animals 24/7. And I'm not like that. So this time I wanted different window treatments that are a little less inviting to the cats.

Modern sleek window coverings

I also went looking for curtains with a modern, sleek look that matched our black frames. I also preferred not to give in too much to the light that enters the living room. I like light 😉 . Roller blinds are a bit outdated in my opinion and I like Roman blinds, but just a bit too rural for me. After all, we are going for a sleeker interior (eventually). By the way, our house is set back from the road, so we don't need curtains that cover the entire window for the daytime view. Only in the evening is it nice to make sure that we are not in the spotlight.

Black frames with gray pleated curtains

Ultimately, the choice fell on pleated blinds. But then the variant that still lets light through during the day and without strings in sight. Strings only tight along the frames and not in front of the window. By choosing pleated curtains with handle control, the latter problem was at least eliminated. And then the color choice begins 😉 . Another challenge!

Have you finally figured out what kind of curtains you want for the black frames in the living room and then you still have to choose which color. We found that very difficult and I was happy that I could request a number of samples to determine the right color. It was clear that I wanted to stay in the shades of white-black-grey, but there are still quite a few colors. I believe that I eventually received 6 samples and so we chose the most beautiful color. The most beautiful color for us then.

Determining color choice

Black on the black frames was too dark for me. White on black seemed a bit too different to me, especially because I haven't determined the final choice of color for the wall yet. So in the end we went for a gray color, with a light metallic 'shimmer' in it. Nice because we have a large cupboard in concrete look and I have also refurbished our window sills with concrete ciré. Fits great! If I still wanted a different color on the wall, I can still do that without it getting messy.

But then you're not there yet. Because then you can also choose the color of the profile. Now I think it's best to choose the color of the profile that matches the curtains. In our case, silver. Ok, measure and you're done! And then the waiting begins.

After delivery, it turns out that they are surprisingly easy to assemble. It takes a while to figure it out, but after that it's a breeze. Once installed, we are completely satisfied with the result. Except for one thing. The feet that you use to finish the assembly are supplied as standard in the color choice of your profile. Logical of course, but on black frames the gray feet stood out just too much for me. Even though the curtains are also gray and the feet are relatively small. So I called our supplier of the pleated blinds and they delivered black feet. As far as we are concerned, it is now completely finished!

Incidence of light from these curtains

I think the big advantage is that the amount of light that comes in is not so bad for me. Because we have opted for top down bottom up, the top can remain open. So there is still a lot of light coming in here. Then the curtains themselves are also translucent, the color comes out nicely with the black frames and at the bottom there is of course also a part open during the day. In the evening I slide the pleated blinds down with ease and the view is gone. The biggest advantage? All three of our cats haven't even looked at it yet!

What kind of curtains did you choose and for what reason?

Inspiration curtains for black frames

Alright, so much for our choice of window coverings, but there are of course even more options. I would like to give you some inspiration regarding black window frames and matching curtains. Who knows, your style may also be among them!

I think the black painted frames are really beautiful and have not regretted it for a second. Would you also like to paint your windows yourself? I say go for it! Read my blog with tips if you don't know how to get started.