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10 genius tips for using coffee grounds

Do you love coffee? Do you always have coffee grounds left over? With these 10 genius tips for using coffee grounds, you can use the rest of your cup of coffee in the perfect way. You can use coffee grounds in the household, the garden and for your beauty routine.

What is coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds are also known as coffee grounds, coffee grounds or coffee grounds. All names for the leftovers after brewing coffee with an ordinary coffee maker. This concerns the sediment of filter coffee. Depending on how much coffee you drink, the amount can increase considerably.

Do you also wonder what you can do with coffee grounds? It is a shame to just do this with the GFT container, since you can use coffee grounds for many things in and around the house. By the way, coffee grounds are also perfectly suitable for taking care of yourself.

Reading tip:This is how you make the perfect cup of coffee

10 brilliant tips for using coffee grounds

Little tip in advance:in most cases you have to let coffee grounds dry before you can use them. If you do not do this, there is a good chance that the coffee grounds will mold. You can speed up drying by spreading it out on a plate, baking tray or sieve. Your coffee grounds will be dried and ready for use within a day (depending on the temperature). Dried coffee grounds can be stored in an airtight container until use.

Using coffee grounds in the household

Coffee grounds are indispensable when it comes to housekeeping. You can go in many directions with it. Neutralize odors, use it as a cleaning agent or as a means to reduce scratches in furniture.

Coffee grounds neutralizes odors

Did you know that coffee grounds neutralize odors? Do you have a musty smell in your fridge? Just use coffee grounds? Fill a small bowl with it and place it in the fridge overnight. The next day all unpleasant odors have disappeared.

You can use this for much more than just your fridge. Do your hands smell like garlic or onions? Then take some coffee grounds in your hands and rub it over your hands for about 30 seconds. The smell disappears like snow in the sun.

Tired of smelly shoes? You can also use coffee grounds for this. Sprinkle some of this in your shoes. Leave it overnight and remove the coffee grounds the next morning. Your shoes don't stink anymore!

Coffee grounds as a cleaning agent for barbecue, pans and glasses

Instead of using chemical cleaning agents, you can now use coffee grounds. You can easily clean the grill grate or a burnt pan with a sponge and coffee grounds.

Glasses and bottles also become shiny clean if you use old filter coffee. Just put a small amount in the bottle or glass and pour hot water on it. Shake well and let it stand for about an hour. Then you only have to rinse the glass and everything is sparkling clean again!

Coffee against scratches in wood

If you suffer from scratches in a wooden piece of furniture, coffee offers a solution. Use some dried coffee grounds that make you a little moist. Apply this mixture to the scratches on your furniture. In this way, the irregularity is filled. The oils in the coffee ensure that the scratch disappears.

Empty chimney with coffee grounds

For this lifehack you can just use fresh coffee grounds. Do you have a chimney that needs to be cleaned? Then first sprinkle a layer of coffee grounds over the ashes, so that it becomes a less dusty job.

Coffee grounds for the garden

Coffee grounds are very suitable for your garden. You can use this as plant fertilizer, but coffee grounds are also a natural insecticide against wasps, mosquitoes and ants. Moreover, with this you keep slugs at a distance and who wouldn't want that.

Coffee grounds as plant fertilizer

Do you want to improve the soil in your garden? Thanks to the slightly acidic pH value of coffee grounds, it is extremely suitable as a natural fertilizer for plants. This mainly concerns plants that do well in an acidic humus soil. Think of tomatoes, roses, rhododendron and zucchini. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which means that the plants bloom and grow exuberantly.

Note:it is better not to use this product for honeysuckle plants. For houseplants, it is better to use half a cup of cold coffee, with which you pour the plants every few weeks. You do not have to use new filter coffee for this. You can simply reuse these.

DO NOT use coffee or coffee grounds for seedlings!

Coffee grounds for better garden soil

Did you know that earthworms love coffee grounds? The more earthworms you have in the garden, the more airy it becomes, since there is then enough oxygen in the soil. This is not only good for the garden soil, but also for your compost pile if you have one. By the way, coffee grounds are a must if you have a compost heap, since the nutrients in it make composting easier.

Coffee grounds against ants and snails

Do you suffer from ants and snails in the garden? Then you know that this is very annoying. Snails love flowers and young plants and can destroy an entire plant in a single night. Fortunately, you can solve this very easily and in a natural way. You can easily do this by sprinkling some coffee grounds around the plant.

Caffeine is poisonous to many snail species. Ants lose their orientation due to the smell of the coffee. Note:kittens and puppies are curious and can eat coffee grounds unnoticed. However, this is poisonous! So do you have cats or dogs? Then it is advisable not to use coffee in the garden.

Coffee grounds against wasps and mosquitoes

Wasps and mosquitoes can be a real scourge, especially when the weather is nice in summer. Fortunately, you don't need chemical pesticides. Coffee grounds are a natural pesticide against wasps and mosquitoes. Sprinkle some dry coffee grounds in a fireproof dish. Light this up very briefly. The smoke with the typical smell of coffee ensures that the mosquitoes and wasps quickly flee.

Use coffee grounds during your beauty routine

Besides the fact that you can use coffee for your household and the garden, it is a wonderful resource to add to your beauty routine. You can use the coffee as a natural remedy for cellulite and can be used as a peeling. Below you will find exactly how to make this.

Coffee grounds against cellulite

Do you suffer from cellulite? Then try this anti-cellulite peeling made with coffee grounds. Take some dry coffee grounds and mix it with some olive oil. You can then use this peeling on the affected area. Thanks to the caffeine, blood circulation is stimulated. This ensures that your skin becomes tighter in the long run.

Coffee grounds as peeling

Cracked lips are a thing of the past thanks to this peeling! To make this peeling, mix a little bit of dry coffee grounds with coconut oil and a little sugar. Rub this mixture over the lips for about 3 minutes. Wipe the lips with a soft and damp cloth. You can repeat this ritual weekly for silky smooth lips.

What do you use coffee grounds for? Do you have a nice addition? Then post it below in a comment.