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National Tulip Day facts and tips about tulips

January 16, 2021 is Tulip Day. Discover everything about National Tulip Day facts and tips about tulips in general.

What is National Tulip Day?

Traditionally, every third Saturday in January is National Tulip Day. This year it will be on Saturday, January 16. Normally, the day is ushered in with the picking of tulips on Dam Square in Amsterdam. Every year 200,000 tulips are planted there and can be picked on Tulip Day. However, due to Corona, this activity has been canceled this year. Yet it is the day that the tulip season is ushered in. The perfect time to go to the store and surprise someone you love with a bunch of tulips.

Tips and tips about tulips

Now that you know that January 16 is National Tulip Day, you might also want to know more about the tulip itself. That is why you will find a few fun facts and tips about tulips below.

What are tulips?

Tulips are the most famous flowers in the Netherlands. Many people associate the flower growing from a bulb as typically Dutch. More than 3,000 types, colors and shades are available.

Are tulips typically Dutch?

Although most people think that tulips are typically Dutch, nothing could be further from the truth. Originally, tulips come from Turkey. There sultans wore tulips on their turbans. The original name of tulips is therefore tulipan. So why do many people still think it is a Dutch flower? This is because the Netherlands is the largest exporter of tulips. About 2 billion tulips are exported all over the world every year.

Tulips and Symbolism

Flowers all have a meaning. Often a flower takes on a meaning when it has a certain color. The same goes for tulips. Below you will find a number of colors with their meaning:

  • Red tulips symbolize love
  • You give yellow tulips as a symbol of cheerfulness
  • White represents forgiveness (asking or giving)
  • A mixed book is a symbol of elegance

Tulips with special names

There are more than 3,000 varieties of tulips that differ not only in color and appearance, but also in name. In addition to regular names, there are also several tulips with striking names. Names that the tulips have been given by a foundation or someone special. It is therefore not surprising that you find tulips with the name:Make a Wish, Quinty Trustful, Red Cross and, for example, OG3NE.

Incidentally, this takes quite a lot of time. A tulip is not just named after someone or something. It takes 10 – 15 years between the development of a certain species and its naming.

When to plant tulips?

Tulips are among the early spring bloomers. You plant these in the autumn, from September to December. It is important that the bulbs are in the ground before the first frost. You can plant tulips in the open ground as well as in a spacious pot. Make sure that there is a minimum distance of 10 cm between the bulbs.

When to harvest tulips?

There are early and later varieties of tulips. The first tulips are harvested very early in the year, from mid-January. Depending on the variety, there are also tulip varieties that can be harvested a little later. Flowering is then from March to sometime in May. That is also the period when you can admire tulips in the Keukenhof.

How do you best store tulips in a vase?

Enjoying the tulips in the garden is great fun, but a bunch on the table wouldn't look out of place either. You can keep tulips in a vase. In many cases the flower stems will bend. You can prevent this by doing the following:

  • Choose a tall vase, so that the stems don't have a chance to bend
  • After purchase, place the flowers in the vase for half an hour with the wrapping paper still around. Then the stems can suck themselves up with water and the chance that they will hang is a lot smaller
  • Prick with a needle a small hole just below the flower
  • Cut off the flower stems a little bit, do this every 3 – 4 days as tulips continue to grow in the vase
  • Do not fill the vase with water, but only put a few centimeters of water in it. Check this regularly, so that the flowers do not run out of water
  • Never put tulips in full sun
  • The vase should not be placed near your fruit basket, because the released ethylene gas causes the flowers to hang

Leave or remove tulip bulbs in the ground?

Some flower bulbs are fine to leave in the ground. Other flower bulbs should be removed from the ground and stored in a dry and cool place. For tulips, it is best to remove them from the ground after flowering, when the leaves have also completely withered. Keep it dry and cool until autumn and then replant it for optimal flowering.

Which tulip varieties are there?

Of course it is impossible to list all thousands of tulip varieties here. However, you can roughly divide tulips into the following types:

  • Single tulip
  • Double tulip
  • Botanical or wild tulip
  • Parrot or parakeet tulip
  • Fringed tulip
  • Multi-flowered tulips
  • Lily flowered tulip
  • Mini tulip

Tulips not Dutch, but very popular

Although tulips are not a typical Dutch flower, they are very popular in the Netherlands. It is therefore not surprising that you will soon be able to buy tulips everywhere again. Do you want to surprise someone with a bouquet of tulips? Then take the meaning and color into account. A fun and popular flower that you can easily plant in your own garden.