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With nail polish you can do much more than just paint nails and put ladders in tights

Almost every woman has a jar of nail polish at home. Usually for painting the nails. With nail polish you can do much more than just paint your nails and put ladders in tights. You can, for example, fixate children's drawings and temporarily repair glasses.

Your hands as a business card with beautiful nails

Nail polish is of course primarily designed for women who like to look well-groomed. After all, beautifully painted nails are a business card for your hands. Nail polish is available in the most imaginable colors. In addition, you also have a choice of glow in the dark nail polish, nail polish with scent and the increasingly popular nail polish big 7 or big 10 free. This nail polish is particularly suitable for pregnant women, due to the lack of harmful substances such as camphor, formaldehyde and, for example, toluene.

Tips for using nail polish

Everyone has nail polish at home, but few people know how to store and use nail polish. So here are some tips for using nail polish:

  • Preferably do not store nail polish in the refrigerator. This used to be recommended, but it is no longer necessary. You can, however, put the nail polish in the fridge for a few minutes before using
  • Instead of shaking the bottle before use, roll it back and forth between your palms
  • Sometimes caps get stuck because of spilled nail polish. You can prevent this by cleaning the cap and bottle immediately after use with a little nail polish remover

With nail polish you can do much more than just paint nails and put ladders in tights

However, you can use nail polish for much more than just beautifully painted nails. Most people know that you can put a ladder in tights with a little colorless nail polish. Less well known are the life hacks below. So make sure you always have a bottle of nail polish at hand to solve small and bigger problems.

1. Mark shower faucet

Most shower faucets nowadays have markings that allow you to set your desired temperature. If you like to shower at the same temperature every day, mark with some nail polish. That way you don't have to search for the right temperature every day, but you can immediately enjoy a wonderful shower.

2. Light up buttons

I mentioned it before:there is glow in the dark nail polish. This nail polish is not that healthy, so I would strongly advise against applying it to your nails. However, you can use these for marking light buttons and, for example, your remote control. If you are in the dark, you can easily find the volume button or the light switch.

3. Indicate water level in a bucket

Sometimes you need a bucket, for example for mixing concrete or plaster. There are usually no markings in a bucket and weighing is also difficult. You can avoid this problem by pre-filling the bucket with a measuring cup. At the desired amount, mark with a little nail polish. That way you can be sure that you are using the right amount of water and so on.

4. Reading the measuring cup

Sometimes you have those transparent measuring cups (I have one of those that came with my bread maker), with transparent numbers on them. If you put milk or water in there, the numbers disappear and you have to measure on the guess. You can prevent this by putting some nail polish over the numbers on the outside of the measuring cup. That way, your measuring cup is always usable.

5. Make your sports equipment recognizable

If you are on the golf course or tennis court with a number of people, it can be difficult to recognize your own golf or tennis balls. A small mark with nail polish prevents this problem.

6. Send water-resistant mail

You can of course stick a piece of tape over the address details to prevent the ink from running out when it rains. However, you can also apply a layer of colorless nail polish. This closes the paper and the address will not run out if it rains during the postman's round.

7. Seal an envelope

Although we hardly ever send snail mail, this is a handy tip if you do send a card or letter. Instead of licking the backing layer, put a layer of clear nail polish over it. The letter also cannot be opened with hot steam if you use nail polish.

8. Keep your labels legible

Labels on medication or, for example, jars of herbs can fade over time. You can prevent this by applying a layer of nail polish over it.

9. Prevent rust rings

If you have a bottle of hairspray or shaving cream in the bathroom, you will probably recognize it. The cans get wet at the bottom, resulting in rust spots. These rust stains can be difficult to remove, especially if you have not used the bus for a while. To prevent the bus from giving off rust, you can paint the metal on the underside with nail polish.

10. Prevent rust from toilet seat screws

Many toilet seats come with a plastic screw. Isn't that the case with you and do you have a metal toilet seat screw? Then it can rust over time. You can also prevent this by applying a layer of nail polish to the screw. 1 – 2 coats not only prevent rust, but also ensure that the screws stay in place.

11. Bijoux without stains

Some bijoux stains your skin over time. There is nothing more annoying than streaks that remain on your fingers after wearing that one trendy ring. Prevent this by applying a layer of nail polish to your jewelry before wearing.

12.Preventing contact allergy

Do you suffer from contact allergies like me? Can you basically only wear silver/gold? Don't worry, with this tip you can prevent contact allergies. I used to wear a belt that accidentally came into contact with my stomach. No idea how, but the result was red, itchy skin. I had the same problem with watches. Until my mom applied 2 coats of clear nail polish to the strap buckle and back of the watch. The bumps were gone and I was able to wear my watch and belt without any problems.

13. Stop fraying

Whether it's clothing or laces, fraying is not only clumsy and destroys the fabric or laces more, it also looks very untidy. Don't have new laces on hand? Or do you discover fraying in your shirt along the way? With a bottle of clear nail polish you have solved the problem in no time. Simply apply a layer of nail polish to the fraying and you can move forward again.

14. Prevent oxidation on belts

Cheap belts tend to oxidize. You can prevent this by using nail polish. The nail polish also provides extra shine.

15. Prevent loss of knots

Do you have a nice blouse or shirt with buttons? Then you know that there is a good chance that you will lose a knot sooner or later. Not so charming when you're at work and suddenly a button flies off your blouse. You stand there with a view… You can prevent this situation by applying a layer of nail polish to the yarn under the buttons. With this you fix things, as it were. After a few washes, you should check whether you should not apply a new layer.

16. Ribbon no longer frays

A gift is only really a gift if the packaging is appropriate. Finish your gift wrapping by using ribbon. Ribbon that you cut can often fray. You prevent this by providing the ends with a layer of nail polish.

17. Limit crack or star in car window

Do you have a star or a crack in a car window? Then it is important to have these addressed as quickly as possible. Until then, you can prevent worse by covering the crack or star on the inside and outside of the window with some clear nail polish.

18. Fill Scratches

Whether you have a scratch in the floor or a piece of furniture, nail polish is your rescue. Apply some colorless nail polish to the scratch and let it dry completely. A little sanding if necessary and you'll have no more of the scratch. Works well on wooden furniture, but also in doors and, for example, laminate.

19. Repairing broken glasses

What applies to a crack in the car window also applies to a crack in glasses. Did you accidentally sit on your glasses? Do you have a crack in your glass now? Then fix it with colorless nail polish. You can now use the glasses until you have time to go to the optician.

19. Holding screws

Small screws can loosen more quickly because they are not deep in the wood. You can prevent it from coming off by spreading a layer of colorless nail polish over the screw heads. Would you like to unscrew the screws later? No problem. You can easily break the nail polish with a screwdriver.

20. Repairing holes in mosquito netting

In the summer you would like to keep flies and other pests out. You do this by using mosquito netting. Unfortunately, you can damage the mesh through negligence or an accident. Colorless nail polish is also the solution here. Before the mesh tears any further, simply top off with nail polish.

Which of the above tips and lifehacks with nail polish did you already know?