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What do solar panels provide and what can you do with them?

We hear so much about solar panels these days that you have probably thought about having them installed yourself. However, it can be difficult to actually take the step. Sure, it's sustainable, but it also costs a lot of money and it takes a while to earn back. To motivate you, we calculate approximately what you can save and, more importantly, what you can do with that saved money!

How much will you save?
Suppose you buy ten panels that each produce 243 kWh per year. That is 2430 kWh in total. An average household in the Netherlands consumes 3,300 kWh annually. Do you have a cheap green energy contract where you pay 19 cents per kWh? Then you will lose 627 euros (0.19 x 3,300) annually for this. Suppose you lost 627 euros annually on your electricity costs, but thanks to the 2430 kWh that you generate with your solar panels, you only spend 165 euros per year. This way you will have 462 euros (627 – 165) left! If buying solar panels cost you $4,600, it will take you about ten years to recoup this investment. Since solar panels last an average of 25 years, you will save 462 euros every year after these 15 years. That is (15 x 462 =) 6,930 euros in 15 years!

Okay, so now you know that by buying solar panels you can ultimately save 6,930 euros. To really motivate yourself now, you have to start dreaming about what you are going to do with that money!

Save for your children
Do you have children? Then you probably want to give them something beautiful before they go out into the wide world. Put the saved money away to cover part of their study costs, donate it to them for their trousseau or support them with getting their driver's license and/or buying a car.

Go on holiday for real
Of course it is also a great reward to treat yourself once in a while. For example, go for that wonderful road trip in the US or book a cruise! With almost 7,000 euros in your pocket you can make a whole world trip, so the sky is the limit!

Invest in yourself
Want to boost your resume? Then invest this money in yourself. Maybe you've always wanted to learn a new language, there's a course in your industry that can help you get that promotion you deserve, or you want to become a freelance teacher and a didactic course will help you. Who knows how new skills can help you in the future.