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Hydrogen peroxide indispensable in every household

Discover why hydrogen peroxide is indispensable in every household. Did you know that hydrogen peroxide can not only be used to disinfect wounds, but also to clean vegetables and fruit? But you can do a lot more with hydrogen peroxide. I have listed a number of tips for using hydrogen peroxide.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is also known as oxygenated water. The inorganic compound consists of oxygen and hydrogen. In chemistry this is expressed in H2O2. It is a cheap remedy that is available at any drugstore such as Precisely because the product is so cheap, it is perfectly suitable to have it at home as standard. Hydrogen peroxide is able to fight micro-organisms through oxidation. This makes the product the perfect disinfectant. But there is much more that hydrogen peroxide can do.

Hydrogen peroxide indispensable in every household

You can't beat the price and once you know what you can do with it, you will probably run to the store as quickly as possible to get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide for the body

1. Disinfectant for wounds

As indicated earlier, hydrogen peroxide is disinfectant. Ideal to use with a wound. Is your wound inflamed? Then make sure you clean the infection a few times a day with a cotton swab dipped in oxygenated water.

2. Athlete's foot

There is nothing more annoying than athlete's foot. You don't necessarily have to use drugs or expensive products for this. Due to the antiseptic effect, a foot bath with added hydrogen peroxide is sufficient.

3. Hydrogen peroxide in bath

A working week can be a long one. To make you feel a little younger again, you can take a bath with a little hydrogen peroxide added. Add about 2 liters of hydrogen peroxide to a full bath. Enjoy the invigorating and rejuvenating properties of hydrogen peroxide for half an hour.

4. Fighting toothache

There is nothing more annoying than a toothache. Although hydrogen peroxide is not an analgesic, it does work as an antiseptic for toothache. In addition, the effect is also very similar to antibiotics, making it a perfect home remedy. Of course you should not just walk around with a toothache. See the use of hydrogen peroxide as a timely aid. Use a few drops in a glass of lukewarm water.

5. Unclean skin

Do you suffer from acne and pimples? Then you can also touch it with some hydrogen peroxide. Do not forget that unclean skin often has to do with an unhealthy lifestyle and too much sugar.

6. Cold/stuffy nose

Looking for a home remedy to get rid of that stuffy nose? Make a 1 to 1 mixture with hydrogen peroxide and water. Drip this in your nose and leave it there for a few minutes. Then blow your nose with a clean handkerchief.

7. Cleaning toothbrush

Cleaning your toothbrush every now and then is not only good for the life of your toothbrush, but also good for your health. Toothbrushes are unfortunately a source of germs that you would rather not have in your mouth. You can kill the germs by placing the toothbrush in a glass with hydrogen peroxide every now and then.

Hydrogen peroxide for the household

8. Cleaning glass

Hydrogen peroxide is the perfect cleaning agent. Ideal for cleaning glass. Think of mirrors, the glass hob of your stove and the glass of the fireplace. You can actually get all glass surfaces shiny clean with hydrogen peroxide.

9. Degrease

Make a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You can use this paste for degreasing and cleaning pans, your stove and other places that are covered with (shortening) fat. After use, you only have to wipe the paste away.

10. Disinfect

Hydrogen peroxide is a good alternative to chlorine for disinfection. The product is not aggressive and can be used perfectly to disinfect the countertop. Also ideal for the toilet and even the fridge and sink. All breeding grounds for bacteria that pose a health hazard. That is why hydrogen peroxide is indispensable in every household. Simply make a spray of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. Spray the surface, let it soak in for a while and then wipe with a clean, damp cloth.

11. Disinfecting sponges

Did you know that household wipes and sponges contain much more bacteria than the average toilet? To tackle these bacteria, you can soak household wipes and sponges in a bowl of water to which hydrogen peroxide has been added.

12. Disinfect wooden tables and cutting boards

Wooden tables and (wooden) cutting boards can easily and quickly become a major source of germs if they are not cleaned thoroughly. Here too, hydrogen peroxide offers a solution.

13. Stain remover:cola, red wine and blood

There is nothing more annoying than white clothing with stains on it. Don't worry, just add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the wash (in addition to detergent) and the stains will disappear like snow in the sun. Suitable for cola and red wine stains. Do you have bloodstains somewhere that cannot be removed? Hydrogen peroxide also offers a solution. Please note:this agent has a slightly bleaching effect, just like chlorine.

14. Mold in the house

Mold in the house indicates a moisture problem. Unfortunately, mold in the home can cause many health problems. Of course, there are many remedies available to tackle the fungus, but usually there is also a hefty price tag attached. It is easier and faster to tackle the fungus by spraying hydrogen peroxide on it.

15. Mites in the house

You do not want mites in your house and certainly not on your mattress. Again, hydrogen peroxide can offer a solution. Make a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide and spray it on surfaces where you suspect mites.

16. Cleaning the dishwasher

Cleaning the dishwasher not only extends the life of the appliance, but also guarantees sparkling clean dishes. To clean the dishwasher, put a dash of hydrogen peroxide in the compartment for the dishwasher tablet. Then let it run empty and your dishwasher is like new again.

17. Cleaning fruit and vegetables

You should always clean vegetables and fruit from the supermarket. This can be done very easily:use a dash of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl. Wash the fruits and vegetables in the bowl. The solution removes dirt, germs and chemicals effortlessly.

18. Plants

Finally, you can also use hydrogen peroxide for plants. Spray the plants with a mixture of water with a dash of hydrogen peroxide added. This protects your plants against pests and fungus. In short:ideal for keeping your plants disease-free.

Do you have any other uses for hydrogen peroxide? Let me know and I will add to this list immediately.

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