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40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

It's a bit forgotten in our closets, yet the hydrogen peroxide can be used for a lot of things!

Disinfect, sanitize, whiten, deodorize... and so on.

It's time to rehabilitate this natural and truly economical product.

So take it out of your medicine cabinet, and it will become your best ally in the house.

So here are 40 uses for hydrogen peroxide that I hope will make you want to use it. Watch:

1. Wash fruits and vegetables

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Wash vegetables and fruits with hydrogen peroxide to remove dirt and pesticides. Put 100 ml in a sink full of cold water, soak the fruit then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

2. Make toothpaste

Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to make natural toothpaste. It will sanitize the mouth and kill the bacteria responsible for gingivitis. This toothpaste also has a very fast whitening action. Check out the trick here.

3. Boost dishwashing liquid

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Boost the action of your dishwashing liquid by adding approximately 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the bottle. You can also add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide in the dishwasher to optimize washing. In both cases, hydrogen peroxide is sanitizing and allows more effective dishwashing.

4. Clean household appliances

Clean your refrigerator or dishwasher with hydrogen peroxide. As it is non-toxic, you can use it in places where food is stored.

5. Against bad breath

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

This mouthwash (half hydrogen peroxide and half water) will freshen your breath and cleanse the mouth by eliminating bacteria.

6. Disinfect your sponges

Clean your sponges by soaking them for 10 minutes in a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and lukewarm water. Then, rinse well.

7. Disinfect the toothbrush

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Dip your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide between each use, especially in case of flu or cold. This avoids contamination of other toothbrushes in the toothglass.

8. Clean the pans

If your pans have stuck-on or burnt-on food residue, make a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Then rub it on the dirty dish and let it sit for a while. Finally, pass a scraping sponge with a little warm water. Check out the trick here.

9. Clean a cutting board

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Clean your cutting board and work surface with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. Leave on for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse. Check out the trick here.

10. Find a very white bathtub

To get rid of the grayish ring in the bottom of the tub, start by drying the tub, then generously spray with hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit (it may foam up a bit) - then clean with an old toothbrush. You may need to repeat the action several times.

11. Clean the toilet

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Clean the toilet bowl by pouring 125 ml of hydrogen peroxide into it. Then, let sit for 20 minutes, and scrub to clean.

12. Clean the floors

Restore shine to dirty floors with this mixture of 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 4 liters of hot water. Pass a mop soaked in this mixture without rinsing. This product is suitable for all soil types.

13. Untie the clothes

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Loosen clothing, curtains or tablecloths with hydrogen peroxide. Soak the stained fabric in hydrogen peroxide (30 vol) and machine wash. To revive the white, put a cup (250 ml) of hydrogen peroxide in the detergent drawer. It's an eco-friendly alternative to bleach that works just as well.

14. Clean the toys

We don't often clean children's toys...but we should. Cleaning them with hydrogen peroxide does not present any danger because it is not toxic. Your children can put their toys in their mouths without risk of poisoning. Just spray them with hydrogen peroxide and then rinse them. And people with respiratory problems will not be bothered by odors.

15. Sanitize indoor plants

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

To prevent the proliferation of fungi, put a little hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray on the plants.

16. Disinfect Tupperware

Disinfect your lunch boxes or Tupperware by soaking them in a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.

17. Lighten your hair

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water (50/50) and spray the solution on your wet hair. It works perfectly well on blonde or light brown hair to create natural golden highlights.

18. Take a detox bath

Pour half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide into your hot bath for a detox effect. It's the best way to relax while taking care of your skin. In addition, it leaves the tub perfectly clean.

19. Keep the salad fresh

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Mix 150 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, then spray on your leftover salad and drain. Put in the fridge in a container with a lid. This prevents the lettuce from wilting too quickly and preserves the leaves.

20. Cure Acne

Dab your acne pimples with hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball to disinfect them quickly. Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun right after, this could lighten your skin on the treated area.

21. Germinate your seeds

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Hydrogen peroxide helps seeds germinate faster. Spray a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution once a day to moisten the soil. My grandfather watered his young shoots with a volume of hydrogen peroxide diluted in 32 volumes of water to improve the root system.

22. Launder the sheets

To whiten yellowed sheets, curtains, lace and tablecloths, soak them for at least 1 hour in this mixture:cold water + 500 ml of hydrogen peroxide (30 vol). Then, rinse with cold water and air dry.

23. Remove the earplugs

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

To remove earplugs, use hydrogen peroxide (30 vol) and olive or almond oil. First put a few drops of oil in the ear, then hydrogen peroxide. After a few minutes, all you have to do is tilt your head to the side to "flow" the cork out of the ear.

24. Clean the air humidifier

Dilute 1 liter of hydrogen peroxide (30 vol) in 5 liters of water. Pour into the humidifier and turn it on to disinfect and clean it.

25. Treat foot mycosis

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Spray a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (50/50) on the feet and toes to treat fungus or fungus. Repeat the operation several nights in a row and let it dry. You can also soak your feet in the same solution to soften calluses or corns and disinfect blisters.

26. Clean the shower curtain

The shower curtain gets dirty and can mold. To avoid this, clean it with hydrogen peroxide. You will also remove soap scum. Place the curtain in the machine with a bath towel and your usual detergent. Then add 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide and run the machine at full power.

27. Clean the shower

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Spray hydrogen peroxide in the shower to eliminate bacteria and viruses.

28. Maintain the aquarium

To eliminate fungi that could kill your fish, put hydrogen peroxide in the aquarium. Don't worry, it doesn't bother the fish. But be careful, don't add it every time you change the water either.

29. Remove musty smell from towels

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

If your towels smell musty, soak them for 15 minutes in 150 ml of hydrogen peroxide and as much vinegar. Then, wash as usual. Say goodbye to musty smells.

30. Remove dog odors

Wash your dog with a mixture of one liter of hydrogen peroxide, 40 g of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of washing-up liquid and 2 liters of lukewarm water. Spread the mixture all over the dog, lathering. Rinse immediately. Do not leave this mixture on for too long, it could discolor your pet's coat.

31. Relieve canker sores

Put hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and swirl it around for about 10 minutes. This will disinfect and relieve the inflamed area and soothe canker sores.

32. Wash the windows

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Nothing better than hydrogen peroxide to wash windows without streaks. Screw a spray on your hydrogen peroxide bottle and spray on windows and mirrors. You'll tell me about it!

33. Remove stubborn stains

To remove all stains such as blood, sweat, coffee or wine, spray the stain with hydrogen peroxide and rub it in. It works best on "fresh" and still damp stains. Do a test on the fabric beforehand because hydrogen peroxide can bleach some dark fabrics. Check out the trick here.

34. Remove mold

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and really economical product against mould! Water the mold-affected areas liberally and leave for several minutes. You will see, it will go away on its own, and in addition the area will be disinfected. Check out the trick here.

35. Treat sinusitis

Sinusitis can be painful, relieve it with this remedy. Mix 4 parts distilled water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide (30 vol) and pour into a nasal spray. This relieves congestion and reduces infection and inflammation. It is also much less expensive and dangerous than commercial sprays.

36. Whiten nails

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

For different reasons, the nails can turn yellow. Eliminate this unsightly side by applying a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Leave on for a few minutes until the stains disappear. Then, apply a cuticle lotion or cream to moisturize them.

37. Treat your dog's liver attack

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Pets have a tendency to always eat things that are not meant for them and cause them liver attacks.

If your dog has overindulged in chocolate (or any other food that is toxic to him), he may need to be made to vomit. To do this, measure 1 milliliter of hydrogen peroxide (30 vol) per 500 g of your animal's weight, without ever exceeding 45 ml. Use a pear to make him ingest the liquid.

He will vomit and reject what makes him sick. If you're not sure what made him sick, a trip to the vet is in order! This method works for dogs, cats, pigs and even ferrets. However, it is NOT recommended in rodents, horses, rabbits or birds.

38. Clean contact lenses

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

Have you noticed that commercial hydrogen peroxide solutions are always more effective than others? Normal, because hydrogen peroxide effectively dissolves greasy deposits and small dirt, leaving your contact lenses perfectly clean! However, in general, the lenses are delivered with a small special case and tablets to neutralize the action of hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to follow all instructions that come with the product. Otherwise, you may experience very unpleasant eye sensations.

39. Clean the coolers

Place a spray on your hydrogen peroxide bottle and spray to clean and disinfect the inside of coolers.

40. Clean the shopping bag

40 amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide everyone should know.

You can also use your hydrogen peroxide spray to clean your reusable shopping bags. It's better to put your groceries in a clean bag, right? This trick works for thick recycled plastic bags. Cloth bags are machine washable.

Where to find hydrogen peroxide?

You can find hydrogen peroxide (30 volumes) in all good parapharmacies and also on the Internet by clicking here.