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Should You Wash Every Day?

Should You Wash Every Day?

Is the daily shower a must?

It is now recognized that too much washing is bad for the skin.

Katherine Ashenburg, in her book "The Dirt on Clean:An Unsanitized History", notes that the days of agricultural labor are well and truly behind us.

Should You Wash Every Day?

Space the showers

We are inevitably much less dirty when we work in an office than when we work in the fields!

It is therefore paradoxical to wash so much when you have never been so clean.

At the same time, we have never been more vulnerable to bacteria, eczema or other skin problems.

Because by dint of bricking it too much, the skin no longer fulfills its protective role.

Savings achieved

Should You Wash Every Day?

An English study explained that 41% of British men and 33% of British women do not take a daily shower and 12% of people only have a complete toilet once a week.

By spacing out the showers (not too much anyway!), you will save on your water consumption as well as on the hygiene products you usually use, but above all you will preserve the balance of your skin, which will be less attacked.

So do you have to wash every day? I would say that a shower every 2 days is more than enough depending on your physical activity for the day.