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Top 10 compliments for March 1 National Compliment Day

Discover here which compliments you absolutely must give on 1 March National Compliment Day. Choose from the top 10 compliments for March 1, National Compliment Day. Surprise your partner, child, colleague or just your close neighbors with a suitable compliment and let others know that you appreciate them.

Why National Compliment Day

Although it seems so obvious, giving compliments is unfortunately not something we do every day. And that while a sincere compliment can have a major impact on the recipient. Studies have shown that the feeling of not being valued is the number 1 cause for, for example, resigning, ending a relationship or stopping volunteering.

To give more attention to this, the National Compliments Day was created on 1 March. It is the intention that on this day you give personal attention and sincerely sincere appreciation to the people around you. Please note:it is certainly not the intention to link a real gift to this.

“The deepest human need is the need to be valued” William James (American psychologist 1842-1910).

Top 10 compliments for March 1 National Compliment Day

Do you find it difficult to come up with a compliment yourself? Then choose from the top 10 compliments below for 1 March National Compliment Day:

1. You are always there for me

The absolute No. 1 among compliments, because this short sentence is so telling. You can make this compliment to your mother, but also your father, partner, your bestie or even a good colleague. You indicate that you fully trust someone under all circumstances. And say yourself? Isn't that a very big compliment?

2. You are the best mother/father/husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend… anyone could wish for

I didn't put this compliment in second place for nothing. You clearly indicate that you appreciate the other person. The compliment radiates friendship and trust. Moreover, you indicate that someone is very close to your heart.

3. You are a good example for others

A catchy phrase that means sincerely will certainly be well received. Because let's be honest:isn't it wonderful when you do something and someone else thinks you are an example? That means that you do well, that you are an inspiration and that others look up to you. The perfect compliment for employers who want to compliment their employees.

4. You have a heart of gold

The perfect compliment for volunteers if you ask me. Gold is precious and someone who has a heart of gold is also very precious (indispensable). It also indicates that someone is generous and kind, someone you can count on.

5. You are unique

This indicates that someone is unique. There is no one else like you. Of course you can only use that in a positive sense, because unfortunately it can also be used in a negative sense. You are unique and your qualities and qualities are recognized and valued as such.

6. You make people (smile) smile

Again, this is only meant as a positive compliment. Laughter is healthy and if you make people laugh, it means that you have made their day just that little bit brighter. A smile, however small or large, is contagious. So make sure you smile as much as possible.

7. You always see the positive sides

A positive compliment for positively minded people. No matter how difficult a situation is, there is always something positive to be gained from it. Perfect to say to someone who thinks a glass is half full and not half empty.

8. You are always willing to lend a hand

When you make this compliment, you appreciate the person for his or her helpfulness. The person can always be called upon. The perfect compliment for family, friends and colleagues who help others unconditionally.

9. You do what you say

This indicates that you respect the person for sticking to a given word. People who receive this compliment are a real support in one's life. Not empty words, but rather actions. A great compliment also for children, who teach you to keep their word.

10. What would the world be without you

Note:do not say this in a sarcastic voice. In any case, this indicates that the other person makes a substantial contribution and is worth a lot. A world without that special someone would be boring.

Which compliment do you like to give and to whom? Let me know in a comment below this blog!