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White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

Looking for a multi-purpose product for cleaning and home maintenance ?

It's true:some products make our lives easier and save us money. White vinegar is one of them:€184.80 per year!

That's how much you can save by using white vinegar. Not bad, right?

I have selected for you the 6 best tips for cleaning without getting tired, while saving money, thanks to white vinegar. Watch:

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

1. Clean your microwave naturally

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

The microwave has become an essential utensil in our kitchens. We use it several times a day, so don't forget to clean it well and above all disinfect it! But not just anyhow and with just anything! A simple and economical solution:white vinegar.

. In a bowl, pour 250 ml of water, as well as 125 ml of white vinegar.

. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

. Heat the bowl on full power for 3-4 minutes, uncovered.

. Wait 1/4 hour before opening the microwave, and wipe with a clean cloth.

Here is your clean and disinfected microwave without chemicals and for a cost t modest: 1 liter of white vinegar costs €0.50 (125 ml:€0.06) and 1 lemon €0.37. Our preparation will therefore have cost us:0.43 €! A classic cleaning product costs on average €2.10.

I personally use 1 bottle per month, saving me €20.04 per year.

Find our tip here.

2. Soften and disinfect your laundry

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

To save on fabric softeners, avoid allergies and get clean, disinfected laundry, consider white vinegar.

Simply replace your fabric softener with white vinegar! Don't be afraid of odors, your laundry won't smell. If you wish, you can add some essential oils to perfume it.

Your soft and disinfected laundry at a lower cost: a classic fabric softener costs on average €1.72, if you buy 2 per month, that represents €41.28 per year. If I buy 2 bottles of white vinegar per month, at less than €0.50 per bottle, it will represent an expense of €12 per year.

You just saved €29.28 per year!

Find our tip here.

3. Unclog drains easily

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

Faced with clogged pipes, what solution? No harsh chemicals and strippers, just use white vinegar and baking soda!

Ingredients :200 g of baking soda, 200 g of salt, 20 cl of white vinegar and 1 basin of boiling water.

Mix baking soda, salt and vinegar, and pour this preparation into the clogged drain. Wait a good half hour, then pour the basin of boiling water. And There you go ! Your drain is clogged!

Unclog drains at a lower cost :you will find salt at €0.50 per kilo and bicarbonate at €3.99 per kilo, a liter of vinegar at €0.50 (a cost price for our preparation at:€0.99!). A classic product will cost you at least €2.20.

So over one year, you will earn €14.52!

Find our tip here.

4. Well-cleaned, streak-free windows

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

A really simple but very effective tip:clean your windows with warm white vinegar. You will degrease your windows, avoid small traces that still resist despite your efforts.

Take a rag, pour the hot vinegar over it, and clean your windows as usual. The result will be really impeccable!

Your windows well cleaned at a lower cost: A classic 750 ml glass product costs around €2.08, white vinegar:€0.50/l. I use one bottle per month.

This is equivalent to one savings of €18.96 per year.

Find our tip here.

5. Soothe and get rid of canker sores

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

Who hasn't suffered from canker sores in their life? It's painful and you don't necessarily know how to get rid of it. A simple trick that has proven its effectiveness:white vinegar!

Put a little vinegar on a cotton swab then gently pass it over your mouth ulcer. After some tingling, relief occurs. Renew if necessary. Your canker sore will go away without any problem in 48 hours.

Treat canker sores at a lower cost :classic treatments (solution or treatment with tablets) cost from 6 to 15 €. The liter of white vinegar:€0.50!

You will earn at least €66 per year.

Find our tip here.

6. Disinfect your toothbrush with white vinegar

White Vinegar:Our 6 Best Tips To Make Your Life Easier

To increase the life of your toothbrush, and to disinfect it properly, follow our advice. Do not hesitate to boil it in water and white vinegar. This will eliminate all bacteria and improve your dental hygiene.

This will allow you to only change your brush every two months!

Disinfect your toothbrush at a lower cost: A toothbrush should be changed monthly. Thanks to our trick, its lifespan will double. The average price of a brush is €3.

You can save up to €36 per year!

Find our tip here.

By adding up the savings made by our 6 tips, we arrive at the tidy sum of €184.80 per year!

Like what, simple and natural products should not be relegated to the bottom of the cupboards, but become our flagship products both for the maintenance of our home and for our well-being.

Your turn...

What do you think of all these tips? You know of other magical uses for white vinegar. I await your comments!