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Septic Tank:The Inexpensive Tip To Maintain It Well.

Septic Tank:The Inexpensive Tip To Maintain It Well.

Looking for the best product for maintaining your septic tank?

Whether you are an owner or a tenant, it is imperative to maintain it regularly.

It is important for it to work properly. But no question of putting anything in it!

Fortunately, there is a natural and effective product to properly maintain your septic tank without calling a company.

The simple and economical trick is to use baking soda . Watch:

Septic Tank:The Inexpensive Tip To Maintain It Well.

How to

1. Pour 220 g of baking soda into the WC.

2. Flush the toilet.

3. Repeat once a week.


There you go, thanks to bicarbonate, your septic tank is now well maintained :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

In addition, it's super economical because you no longer need to buy Éparcyl!

Bicarbonate is a maintenance product 100% compatible with septic tanks.

You can use it every week, including after emptying. No danger for the environment or for the pit!

And maintaining the septic tank well, it allows you to space out the emptyings. This saves you a lot of money!

Why does it work?

Baking soda has an alkaline pH.

It therefore has the power to neutralize an environment whose pH is very acidic.

It allows you to rebalance it so that it is neutral.

The good bacteria can thus grow more easily.

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick for septic tank maintenance? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!