Electrical cables lying behind your TV are tangled.
And it doesn't look very clean!
Wondering how to store all this correctly?
Discover the decorative trick for storing your electrical cables, your boxes and your power strip neatly so that nothing sticks out.
It's easy, economical and very practical. All you need is a shoebox.
Here we go...
1. Grab one of your old shoe boxes .
2. Remove the lid.
Then cut on the two widths of the box a deep notch 10 cm in length. Then cut a notch about 2 cm wide so that the cables can pass.
3. Place your power strip in the shoebox, and pull the cables as far as possible to tighten them.
4. Once the cables are taut, roll up the superfluous part and slip it into the box.
The cables will thus be well drawn along the walls and therefore very little visible.
And all the unnecessary heap will be well hidden in the box.
All that remains is to close it tightly with the lid.
5. With a little creativity, you can easily embellish it by covering it with newspaper or painting it.
Otherwise you can simply slide it behind the TV cabinet out of sight.
There you go, your electrical cables are now hidden :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
You don't have to be a super handyman to make this cable cover!
And you won't find more economical .
You can forget for good those electric cables that spoiled the decor of your interior.