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4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

Nothing better than natural products to clean the whole house.

White vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and Castile soap are super effective and very economical.

Knowing how to use them will make your whole house shine effortlessly!

Not only is it easy, but it also saves a lot of money without using chemicals.

However, there are mixtures that it is better to avoid making with these natural products.

4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

Why ? Because they can be dangerous, too corrosive or completely ineffective.

Here are 3 blends of natural products that you should never combine . Watch:

1. Hydrogen peroxide + White vinegar =Peracetic acid

4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are both excellent natural cleaners and disinfectants. They are known for it. However, mixing them produces a very corrosive acid:peracetic acid.

Risk :this mixture can cause bodily harm but also damage fragile surfaces. In fact, peracetic acid irritates the skin, the eyes and the entire respiratory system.

How to use them effectively: you can use them separately to clean, disinfect, stain everything you want, but never mix them, especially in a container.

When I want to disinfect something, I put each product in a different sprayer. Then I spray the first, wipe with a clean cloth and spray the second. It's a great way to clean the bathroom or toilet.

If you are looking for an effective disinfectant to replace bleach, I recommend this ultra-effective and 100% natural recipe.

2. Bicarbonate + White vinegar =Sodium acetate

4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

Baking soda and white vinegar are the 2 star products of natural cleaning. Mixed, they foam a lot which can be very useful. But once the reaction is complete, the resulting solution is no longer as effective.

The risk: never keep this mixture in a closed bottle because it could explode! Bicarbonate is a basic product while white vinegar is acidic. Their reaction produces sodium acetate (salt water) which does little to clean the house.

How to use them effectively: instead of wasting your money on that ineffective cleaner, use the foaming reaction instead to loosen dirt, unclog drains or remove stubborn stains.

You can also use baking soda to scrub ovens, sinks and bathrooms. Just rinse it with water.

As for white vinegar, use it to clean windows or neutralize odors.

3. Castile soap + White vinegar =Viscous substance

4 Natural Products You Should NEVER Mix!

Castile soap and white vinegar are 100% natural and very effective ingredients. BUT combining these two ingredients with each other is a fatal mistake! Why ? Because you get some kind of goo that has no use.

The risk: Castile soap is basic while white vinegar is acidic. When you combine the two, there is a reaction that causes castile soap to break down. All that's left is some sort of disgusting slime. By doing that, we ruin these two products. Since Castile soap is not cheap, it would be a shame to waste it!

How to use them effectively: never mix Castile soap with acids (lemon juice or white vinegar). Instead, use soap first, then white vinegar as a rinse aid in the washing machine, dishwasher, or in the dishwashing water.

I use Castile soap to make my shower gel, my detergent, and my scouring powder for the house.

2 other mixtures to avoid

- Oxygenated water + Bicarbonate: never store hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a closed bottle. This one would end up at worst by exploding, at best by imitating the Coke bottle effect when you open it and spray drops on your skin or in your eyes.

- Bleach + White vinegar: white vinegar and bleach together produce highly toxic chlorine gas. Its suffocating smell causes coughing spells, tears, respiratory problems and even burns!